brntorng, to be clear, it is not the form factor that I find lacking. If I was designing a stand alone app, I'd be a big fan of the iPad, as well. It is a fine developer device, my objection is that it seems to be a poor consumer device in as much as it under delivers at its price point. It does a bunch of things "ok" and considering that fact it is very expensive. As a consumer I would be much more attracted to a Touch with 3G (which would be an awesome device), than the iPad. My central argument boils down to this: at this size and price point I expect a device which is more customizable. It is one thing to lock down a device because of its performance characteristics, it is another to do it because the Execs think they know what is best for me. Many of the choices about this device seems to have been made out of sheer obstinance.
My understanding is the guts are situated in such a manner that it is unclear if the camera is forward facing or user facing. I'm not sure why they'd need the former, so I'll assume the latter. If they do implement this, what do you want to bet that AT&T locks down video streaming except to WiFi? They are a bunch of ********.
In any event, we can only discuss the skus we've seen. Potential future mods are just speculation, and the fact is by the time particular mods are included the story of the device could already be written, and Apple can say it was only a "hobby" device the whole time.