HP, you are usually one of the most reasoned posters on this board, but I do think the JFK assassination does matter even today.
While I cannot directly prove who killed Kennedy, the fact that most everyone in power at that time is dead or will be soon isnt that important. Since when did inevitable death ever stop anyone from committing crimes or being corrupt? It is always about what you can get now, and I would say that those responsible (I do believe that LBJ had a large role in it, as well as the CIA, or people within) are also interested the accumulation of power for the next generation, whoever they may be, to maintain the status quo of power.
Also, why does there have to be a leak? Im not so sure that leaks are inevitable in every case. I dont work in the spy industry or the hitman industry or engage in international espianoge, so perhaps someone who does can fill us all in.
I think there are plenty of issues concerning 911 that dont make any sense or are highly suspicious, but most people want to just go with what they see on CNN or FOX, the most simple and straightforward explanations. I dont think everything is simple and straightforward.
The whole idea of a conspiracy is that multiple people conspire, work together, to accomplish something. Its not suppose to be simple and easy. Conspiracies happen all the time, they arent theories or stories, they are actual activities. Some are more successful than others obviously, but the stigma that has been created around the concept of conspiracy has jumped the shark. Every covert government or military action is a conspiracy, as is every bank robbery that includes more than 1 person.
I dont believe that it took an army of hundreds to assassinate JFK. I dont believe that it had to be all that complicated. Does it dominate my thoughts and my life, no. I dont believe that it was just a crazy ex spy in Oswalt however who just decided to kill the president.
Oswalt was engaged in covert operations in New Orleans working for the US to assassinate Castro leading up to the JFK shooting, so he was definitely still working for the US government at that time. There is a connection there.
What does this all mean today? Lord knows there is plenty of corruption going on now, so I can appreciate not caring so much about the JFK assassination, but I do think it is relevant. That wasnt even 50 years ago.