INFLATION-- Tariffs—Canada sweating bullets; Mexico kissing Trump's a$$

Cuz I need to buy lots of furniture and don't need food.
I just downsized a bit when we moved last year and gave away some furniture to my granddaughter. So I don't need to buy any furniture. However - I've noticed that we continue to eat every day, so I do have to buy groceries, and the bill continues to go up every trip to the commissary. At least the price of cat food has remained fairly stable! :)
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HHD has his priorities
or at least his kitty does.
When my children were small and still at home, if one of them went to the pantry and his favorite cereal was out, I could tell him to find something else and I'd go the grocery store tomorrow to buy his cereal.
My cats don't understand "tomorrow." What they understand is the following - "Master, it's dinner time and we're hungry. The food dishes are empty - make them full NOW!"
I heard an interview this morning where Yellin was defending Biden’s economic moves. When asked about credit card debt going up amongst middle class and poor people for food and gas, she said it was “normalization” for the economy. God help us.
I heard an interview this morning where Yellin was defending Biden’s economic moves. When asked about credit card debt going up amongst middle class and poor people for food and gas, she said it was “normalization” for the economy. God help us.
Totally clueless.
We need more competition to get prices back in line. Time for some serious Anti-Trust enforcement. J. Carter was the last President to take Anti-Trust enforcement seriously.
This quote sums it all on CNN being a mouthpiece for the administration:
"The Consumer Price Index measured 3.1% annually in November, and the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index not only came in even lower at 2.6%, but also declined monthly for the first time since April 2020."
No qualification that energy and food prices are not included. Unfortunately, people have to eat and get around so the CPI is a completely waste of time.
This quote sums it all on CNN being a mouthpiece for the administration:
"The Consumer Price Index measured 3.1% annually in November, and the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index not only came in even lower at 2.6%, but also declined monthly for the first time since April 2020."
No qualification that energy and food prices are not included. Unfortunately, people have to eat and get around so the CPI is a completely waste of time.
The News needs to start using a more comprehensive inflation measure that includes food, energy, and housing. It will fluctuate more, but it's much more realistic.
It’s so stupid that they can claim that garbage when every day every American sees for themselves the prices they pay to live. I really do not understand how Biden has the approval ratings he has.
Not to detract from thread
You really think your cats call you "Master"? :lmao:
I am a dog person and even I know better.
In keeping with thread if due to inflation You have to sacrifice some food you like to get Their preferred food I am sure they are like :clap:
It’s so stupid that they can claim that garbage when every day every American sees for themselves the prices they pay to live. I really do not understand how Biden has the approval ratings he has.

The media laments that the public gives Biden low marks on the economy as they highlighting positive numbers - low unemployment rate, strong stock market, higher wages, etc. Of course, their explanation is that the public is too stupid to understand economics and appreciate how great things are. You're pointing out the real reason. If your expenses are exploding for buying the same things you bought just a few years ago, you're going to struggle, and the economy sucks for you.

It also doesn't help that the media ignores the pandemic. They look at the job and economic growth and talk about Biden as an economic superhero. Normal people aren't that superficial about it. They know the baseline the media is using is crap, and it just weakens their credibility that much more. It's like a company paying you $75K per year, laying you off, then bringing you back at $40K per year, and expecting you to be excited and claiming that you got a $40K raise (over the $0 you were getting while laid off).
Just like my wife’s ‘saving’ money mimics the government accounting system.

Yep. Before marriage we didn't understand it, but when our wives buy a bunch of crap we don't need but buy it on sale, they're actually saving us money. We're financially better off for it.

Now if only we could get our credit card companies to figure out this math . . .
Our government keeps handing out money to NGOs to fund mass forced immigration and to Israel and Ukraine to fund wars that don't do anything for regular Americans.
Nope - not the can opener. But if I leave an open bag of dry cat food on the floor, they're both highly skilled at spilling it.
I had one that would take the 28lb bag and drag it around the house until he got it was before the viral video era or he could have had free food for life...

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