INFLATION-- Tariffs—Canada sweating bullets; Mexico kissing Trump's a$$

At least you have a job. At my company, all high paid employees (beneath business director level) are being heavily scrutinized for performance. Basically if are replaceable you are shown the door and replaced with a lower paid employee.

I am thankful for that too. Times are tough.
80% of the 2-3% inflation today is comprised of rents and insurance. If your home insurance premium went up $1000 recently and you spend $50k annually, then it only adds 2% points to the inflation total. The other 1% or so is inflation in the other items. Note you only see the inflation in your insurance premium once per year. Most of the inflation could have happened 6 months ago but you didn’t know it.

It went up more than 1k.

Several here including me have detailed price increases on multiple things needed for daily life. I'll stand by my last sentence of my previous post
It went up more than 1k.

Several here including me have detailed price increases on multiple things needed for daily life. I'll stand by my last sentence of my previous post
According to this chart, the price increase for rents (which would be followed by insurance) peaked one year ago. You are only seeing the price increases now but the damage was done last year.

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Dang mc as I read that chart the ‘increase’ in 23 would be 6%. Maybe that is not significant in your eyes because of the 16% in 22 but heck, that is on TOP of the 16% the year before so it is quite a bit to stomach.
At least you have a job. At my company, all high paid employees (beneath business director level) are being heavily scrutinized for performance. Basically if are replaceable you are shown the door and replaced with a younger, lower paid employee.
I should mention when business directors retire or leave the company, their position (unless core) is eliminated and replaced with a senior manager, who is paid less and with no stock options.
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Dang mc as I read that chart the ‘increase’ in 23 would be 6%. Maybe that is not significant in your eyes because of the 16% in 22 but heck, that is on TOP of the 16% the year before so it is quite a bit to stomach.
Yes, you should be thankful to Uncle Joe that it is only 6%.

<insert dancing banana>
Surprise, surprise, surprise, look at the ginormous number of apartments going up in Katy and no one can be surprised because Katy is not the only place being overwhelmed. I’m surprised Biden and company have not come out with a proposal for a free Ev with every new apartment lease.
Inflation is now down to 4.93%. This is towards the high end of the historical norm, and quite high for the last 15 years.
So shoppers go to store and see eggs for $1.99 instead of $5.99 and it will take MONTHS for them to see the difference?
Some people are creatures of habit. Once eggs are off the list, it takes a while to put them back on.
^Meanwhile my fixed income as a retiree continues to be fixed.

HHD, you should really be for bitcoin adoption, gold reserve currency, ending the Fed, slashing the US Fed budget. All these things are involved inflation. If all the things I listed happened your fixed dollar income would increase in purchasing power over time.
HHD, you should really be for bitcoin adoption, gold reserve currency, ending the Fed, slashing the US Fed budget. All these things are involved inflation. If all the things I listed happened your fixed dollar income would increase in purchasing power over time.
Monahorns, I'm definitely in favor of cutting the federal budget - the more money the USG prints to throw around, the worse inflation gets.
Housing prices are down because increasing interest rates and down payment demands mean the available inventory is overpriced relative to the lack of discretionary housing income (in other words people are struggling to keep what they have).

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