Inflation rises by the most since 1981 as CPI jumps 8.5% in March
I have heard Liberals say this would have happened had Trump won the 2020 election. In other words, Biden is an innocent bystander.
My answer to that is this: BS
Our world is completely political. Whatever good happens is accrued to your party and whatever bad happens is accrued to the other party. Liberals like to trot out some stats saying the aggregate increase in the stock market over the years when Democrats are President is higher than when Republicans are President. There is no consideration for the lag inherent in Congressional action over the years. It is similar to a cash basis accounting method: whatever happens that day is the entire story. Good is good without a past. Bad is bad without a past.
But now, they are scrambling on the Hunter story, inflation, the border crisis reigniting and Putin. It's not Biden's fault. He is not to be held accountable for the reasons I mentioned.
There is one other reason:
It doesn't matter what he accomplishes; his words are the reality, not the failures of his actual policies or the delusion in his dreams. The world as it ought to be, amnesty for all, health care for all, minimum wages for all, unions for all, defund the police for all, decriminalization for all, loan forgiveness for all, bankruptcy discharging all debt for all etc... that is the world as it ought to be and if you disagree then you are an evil monster.
That is Liberalism and the blame will be argued by people who are emotionally hysterical. They are the type of people who justify all manner of personal mistakes and overall failure in life by being a victim and/or being an elite progressive thinker (i.e. an activist; no matter their race, gender or other sub-category). They have given up on reality and instead make arguments that are spun to justify their dreams and Machiavellian methods to gain and maintain power.