INFLATION-- Tariffs—Canada sweating bullets; Mexico kissing Trump's a$$

Wholesale prices up more than 9% year over year in this morning's update...damn those meat-packers. Bastages making EVERYTHING go up.
This is what I think will happen :

- prices moderate for goods as supply chain issues get relieved by summer.
- however what relief is provided will be met with higher labor costs, thus the prices are never going back down.

So I think one part modulates (materials) while labor becomes more costly that eventually comes together to slowly reduce the inflation rate back down to normal level, but at much higher price levels.
Why will supply chain issues get relieved by summer? Deep State wants maximum chaos in the US. Supply Chain issues cause this and help inflate the Oil price which helps their "green agenda". They are getting two pops for the price of one with this supply chain agenda, plus the MSM helps them sweep it under the rug!
We're the United States of Venezuela! Get used to it. It's banana republic time baby!
High Inflation is a global phenomenon influenced heavily by the reopening of the economies emerging from the Pandemic coupled with the global supply chain problems.

Inflation in UK surges to fastest rate in almost 30 years

False. Thinking like this dooms all of to more inflation and shortages in the future. The supply chain problems and high inflation both come from central planning of money and social movement and assembly/property usage.
All this discussion about SlowJoe wanting to do a gas-tax holiday is just stupid...especially with some claiming it would be through the end of the year. They have not made ANY announcements that I can see for where they anticipate replacing those taxes from, which means there will be more taxes coming down the pipes to screw people over.

It would be easier for SlowJoe to take the necessary steps to simply allow the drilling and domestic production to return to the pre-2021 levels, when we were not dependent upon the other nations.
It would be easier for SlowJoe to take the necessary steps to simply allow the drilling and domestic production to return to the pre-2021 levels, when we were not dependent upon the other nations.
True - but that would hack off The Squad and the rest of the Green New Deal bunch.
Oh for the days of energy independence, record employment especially among minorities,fair and reciprocal trade agreements, , slashing of corporate taxes which resulted stimulated the economy and led to higher wages and of course started to get a handle on illegal immigration by more protection at our border
Oh yea and mean tweets.
Slojoe is too demented to tweet. He is just embarrassing our country with his lies, confusion on who he is talking to or about and his creepy whispering into the mic.
Natural gas is so much cleaner than coal.

Flank the salt domes and drill deeper!*

*a quote from, and working philosophy of, HRC^

^Hugh Roy Cullen (HRC)
Fed's hopes for low inflation and lots of jobs may fall flat, economists say

Fed's Evans says policy "wrong-footed," but may not need to be restrictive

"The response to digging us out of the pandemic hole has been so successful because of the coordination between governments and monetary authorities, but it has led to unforeseen inflationary consequences."

[in other words, massive government spending and the Fed's continuing easy money policies worked, but oops nobody could have foreseen that it would cause inflation...???]

Lots of us foresaw the inflation--heck, I was talking about it on these boards, along with at least several others, early last year (and maybe even in 2020) when the big $$$$$ gov't spending kicked in. Combine this with lower production due to pandemic restrictions and you didn't need a PhD in economics to predict we would get inflation.
Unleaded Rbob gas up for 38 days in a row. Driving big inflation.

Drill everywhere. Only restrictions being distance from existing homes and buildings. Open entire Gulf to unrestricted drilling now. F-off Florida if you don’t like it. Tax breaks for cos that fix up and restart mothballed refineries. There’s a big mothballed one in Philadelphia, and decent sized one outside Philadelphia, and some others scattered about the country. Waive red tape and hurdles for expanding existing refineries. Same with pipelines.
Unleaded Rbob gas up for 38 days in a row. Driving big inflation.

Drill everywhere. Only restrictions being distance from existing homes and buildings. Open entire Gulf to unrestricted drilling now. F-off Florida if you don’t like it. Tax breaks for cos that fix up and restart mothballed refineries. There’s a big mothballed one in Philadelphia, and decent sized one outside Philadelphia, and some others scattered about the country. Waive red tape and hurdles for expanding existing refineries. Same with pipelines.

They probably don't need to go anywhere near that far. Just go back to the regulatory climate we had before.
I knew this man (Galbraith) was a moron but not this big of a moron. He’s 100% wrong and it was this type of thinking that got us into this mess.

How the Left Should Think About Inflation
This dipstick calls for rent control, keeping interest rates way down, and other nutty ideas. Biden and the other Dems in charge reject this stupidity. He whines about the high energy prices, then wants to throttle down on our fossil fuel energy production. Moron. A far outlier in economic thinking these days.
Isn't this the same weirdo that was busted for possession of crack and beastiality
(with a chicken no less) during the same traffic stop on South Lamar?
Pretty sure it was Galbraith. Surprised the University let him stay. Well, I guess I'm not surprised...
Different Nixon, but a centerpiece of Richard Nixon’s response to high inflation was …


WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS :e-eyes: :e-thinking::e-thumbs-down:
Different Nixon, but a centerpiece of Richard Nixon’s response to high inflation was …


WAGE AND PRICE CONTROLS :e-eyes: :e-thinking::e-thumbs-down:
Carter was a fan of price controls as well, although the *** kicking we took finally n his mind. Throw in an embargo of oil from the middle east and, voila, you could only gas up on alternate days.

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