INFLATION--FED Rebuffs Trump; Tariffs; Dumping Steel, etc.

I guess Kurt would be happy.
Those who work in oil & gas not too happy with lower prices either. Activity is apparently slowing down due to low prices. Egg prices are now $3+ per dozen instead of $6-7 per dozen.
Those who work in oil & gas not too happy with lower prices either. Activity is apparently slowing down due to low prices. Egg prices are now $3+ per dozen instead of $6-7 per dozen.

Why the frig was it ever $6 per dozen??? We have inflation in the UK, but it was never that high over here or even close to it.
Salad crisis?

There's a psychological trait in many people that causes a craving for scarce resources. Say you rarely eat or cook with eggs. But you hear eggs are scarce and the prices are skyrocketing. So you go to the store and stock up on eggs--even though you normally wouldn't.

They're going to have a run on the Salata, Soup or Salad, and Sweet Tomatoes restaurants in the UK.

Remember Steak and Ale? They always had a great salad bar that came with your steak. If they are still around, and in England, now you get a free steak with the purchase of a salad bar.
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"The UK may be the world’s sixth-largest economy but that economy is unable to guarantee its citizens a salad. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers have been rationed in five leading supermarkets since last week following a drop in supply of about half, forcing households to opt for turnips and other seasonal vegetables instead.

There are multiple causes for the breakdown of the UK’s supply chain in crunchy vegetables. Bad weather in Spain and Morocco was the trigger, causing a sharp contraction in the harvest there."
They're rationing tomatoes and cucumbers in England.


Salad crisis?

There's a psychological trait in many people that causes a craving for scarce resources. Say you rarely eat or cook with eggs. But you hear eggs are scarce and the prices are skyrocketing. So you go to the store and stock up on eggs--even though you normally wouldn't.

They're going to have a run on the Salata, Soup or Salad, and Sweet Tomatoes restaurants in the UK.

Remember Steak and Ale? They always had a great salad bar that came with your steak. If they are still around, and in England, now you get a free steak with the purchase of a salad bar.
Interesting return. I always thought it was decent for the price. Ate at a number of them when I was traveling all the time on business.
14 years after disappearing, Steak and Ale is set to return (
25 point raise today in Fed interest rate to 5.00%. Consensus appears to be that the Fed will either hold at 5.0% for now or raise it one more time to 5.25% between now and September. Best thing in my option is to hold at 5% for the next 6 months and let everything else settle down.
25 point raise today in Fed interest rate to 5.00%. Consensus appears to be that the Fed will either hold at 5.0% for now or raise it one more time to 5.25% between now and September. Best thing in my option is to hold at 5% for the next 6 months and let everything else settle down.
I just saw that and I’m surprised. I figured the Fed would pause. But no, another hike. Lately, the Fed sounds like a backyard football game: “Hike! Hike! Hike!”
Salata is a new chain salad restaurant where you can get a very good meal-sized salad.

The Brits would kill for that place about now.
The choice was to take pressure off the financial services industry or chase the inflation tail. Uncle Joe is going to take care of the banks so the Fed chose to chase inflation. Unfortunately, when one is broke printing more money only makes you broker.

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