Indiana democrats committed fraud

Is anyone really surprised?

Clinton's have always been walking the gray area of the law and well Obama is just a shade lighter than their gray at this time.

And I bet you two want to make people prove they are actually living US Citizens in their correct state prior to voting
A few individuals have admitted that they were lazy and dishonest, choosing to forge signatures rather than pound the pavement and get legitimate ones. While this is a serious crime that should be punished, it does not reflect even a tiny bit on Obama or Clinton.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Obana and Clinton aren't shady. I think all big-time politicians are shady, and they are no exception. I just don't think this story is evidence of that fact.

It is also important to remember that excluding Obama from the primary would have made no difference. He had more than enough delegates to get the Democratic presidential nomination, with or without Indiana. Thus, he would have appeared on the general-election ballot in any event.
And I don't understand why it should be illegal to ask a voter to prove he or she is a citizen. Hey, we are a free country, and anyone anywhere on earth should be able to vote in our elections. It is the fair thing to do.
That 2008 election was pretty screwy on the Demo side. Didn't they throw out Michigan and Florida entirely, which would probably have made Hilllary the candidate not BO?
Since the Republicans took over the House, the goalposts have not been moved by Conservatives, what they want has been pretty static for the past 3 years.

Reduce Spending and not raise taxes, that has been the main message for a long time, claiming the Republicans are moving the goal posts is just a sorry excuse for somebody in over their head and unqualified to hold current position.

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