Incredible Game: 74-72 Ags over LSU

Posers on the field don’t have standing to go after players or coaches on the field. What an egomaniac.
The assessment on controversy #1 is surprising:

“It’s close but Mond’s knee does appear to touch the ground as he reaches to grasp the ball. The officials correctly got the time right at 36 seconds and also correctly imposed a 10-second run-off of the clock before re-starting play because A&M was out of timeouts.”

This suggests that whenever a QB fumbles, all they have to do “to confirm possession” is “touch the ball when their knee is touching the ground.” So if a QB fumbles a snap and has the entire D closing in on him, he just has to touch the ball — not possess it! — with his knee down and the play is dead?

Someone will need to show me that rule.
Exactly AND the best part is that this game ultimately denied LSU a Sugar Bowl and aggie got first win since 1990. Now aggie gets the blow out loss at night next year in BR. And all their tires slashed and windows broken out. Welcome to the SEC SEC sec!
I don't have time to enter the debate on officiating, and anyone that ever reads one of my posts knows I'm the most critical of Bowelsby, Walt Anderson, Wall-eye, and virtually everyone officiating Big XII games not named Mike Defee. (Please note that I did not call them "Big XII officials" because they are NOT, but rather BigSky officials.)

Multiple critical calls went against LSU, but two stand out as Draconian:

1) The fourth down pass in regulation was clearly more than a yard short. Orgeron has a timeout, could have challenged the spot, but being the ignorant coonass he is, he didn't. That's as much on LSU as the officials.

2) The QB spike - NCAA changed the rule in 2013 that you cannot spike the ball with 3 or less seconds on the clock. MISSED IT!

This was the worst officiated game i have seen since the Jim Evans debacle against Houston in the Dome in 87 or 88 OR the Percy Penn abortion in Memorial Stadium in the early 70s against Baylor. The latter was all called our way.

What do you expect from the SEC, where a referee was charged with betting on games he officiated, received a reprimand, and continued as an SEC referee?
Comment by one of the people on VSIN this morning suggests that the aggy passholder was the nephew of Jimbo. Have not taken the time to look elsewhere online to confirm...