In-N-Out Burger in Dallas

In N Out in Dallas?!! Good lord, for three months straight that place is going to be a nightmare.

There will be lines around the block. Trust me. Hell, there are lines around the block in CA at lunch time at these places.

It's going to be like when that Krispy Creme opened off 183 in North Austin about ten years ago. People in SUVs idling for hours in the drive thru waiting to get their donut.

Unlike Krispy Creme though, i believe, IN N Out has staying power.
emailed Mighty Fine today and asked how they can bill themselves as a 'Texas burger' if you have to ask for mustard.
Next think yoy know you will have to ask for beef...
Maybe we should have a food feud on the food network between Whata burger and in and out.
The bracelet, earrings or accessories do not make the woman, it's the MEAT they are on that does. Ketchup or Mustard, who gives a ****? It's about the meat, not what you put on it. Good grief, peeps.
l00p hit the nail on the head. You people are judging hamburgers by the condiments?!

By the way, if that's the criteria, Whataburger wins every time.
I want to be fair, and so I went to the In N Out burger website and also watched some video of folks eating them on youtube... So they do look like pretty tasty burgers... my only question is what is 'spread'?
so just like a big mac... I am speaking in a tempered manner here.. I just don't at all get that 1000 island dressing on a burger deal.... I would like to try one out.. I just don't see much reason to go to Cali... also, I like what I know about how In N Out runs their business. What do they cost?
The Link

You can get your burger 'Animal style' where they cook your burger with mustard (plus pickles, onions, etc). I don't know if 'fried' mustard is an affront to the 'one-true-way' to prepare burgers or not. You'll have to tell them to hold the spread.

Fresh single fried french fries are generally inferior to pre-blanched frozen (McDs).
very cheap to me. I was just wondernig because I do find that while 5 Guys does make a tasty burger, they are awfully high.

DAMN IT!! I've been trying to make it to William's for the past year...but every time I've been by there was a Sunday or after hours. I hate you THEU

I shouldn't tell you this, but I had a grilled cheese at William's for an appetizer. They do make a tasty cheesburger. I was there renewing the vows for a couple on their 20th wedding anniversary, and the 'reception' was a Wolfburger. We did the renewal on the lawn of the courthouse and then down the street to eat... Was a great afternoon.

AHHHH...memories. Loop around the north end parking spaces, by the court house...head south on Waco...pull through William's parking lot...head north on Waco...repeat, over and over and over.

I like them both about equally, but I'd pick Whataburger because of the greater variety. In-N-Out by LAX is the first place my son and I go whenever we are on our way to the Rose Bowl.
I would do a triple lindy if Rubio's Fish Tacos comes to Texas though...that is my SoCal staple.

be happy there is a wahoo's in austin. i havent beento the one in austin, but the ones's in california are pretty good.
I've never been a big fan of Carls Jr, but they are about to open one on Lemmon Avenue (it's across from Mia's). The signs have gone up in the last week. With Fatburger and In 'N Out on the way, it looks the California Burger Invasion is in full force!

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