In My Crystal Ball


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Originally I predicted 9 wins.

Unfortunately, I see the 2017 record of 6-6, poor coaching decisions, SE mistakes and close loses REPEATING themselves in 2018... here we go again.

I truly hope my CB is wrong.
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Unfortunately, I see the 2017 record of 6-6 (or worse), poor coaching decisions, SE mistakes and close loses repeating themselves in 2018... here we go again.

I truly hope my CB is wrong.

I think that is the worst case barring a bunch of injuries. Two games better is the best we could do.

Unfortunately, I see the 2017 record of 6-6 (or worse), poor coaching decisions, SE mistakes and close loses repeating themselves in 2018... here we go again.

I truly hope my CB is wrong.
Unfortunately it's close. How anyone thought this was a double-digit win team amazes me. And I'm really tough to amaze.
6-6 will qualify us for the bowl where our graduating seniors can skip. And after the bowl win we will have high hopes for next season where we can open up ranked #23 for the 3rd consecutive season!

Sorry I am hoping for much better, just still hungover from Saturday's loss. The folks on my flight back from DC yesterday sure weren't pumping any sunshine.

Told a friend on Friday we needed to get through the first 4 games 3-1. That is still within reach.
8 seems to be the agreed Mendoza line. I believe it should be 9 or 10, but ok if it is 8 then 1 of the 8 has to be USC, ou or TCU (preferably ou or TCU).
TCU will be very telling. How many kids does Patterson have that could start for us on paper? How many could make the travel roster on paper?

Yet, he continues to do more with less, while we do less with more.

Cant wait for the USC and TCU games. I have good seats for the TCU game. Hope we beat USC before that one. I still hold out hope that the play calling will improve. I don't believe it is a stretch to think the defense will improve. Short of Tom Brady or the like, most QB's would struggle with TB calling plays. If I were TH I would call plays from the sideline. Screw TB, it's Tom's career on the line. TB had his chance!

I too believe 8 wins is doable including the Bowl Game. But the offense has to pull it's weight this year. We have the line, RB's, QB's, and a wealth of WR's, TE's. The only thin spot on offense is depth at OL. Texas is pretty loaded on paper. We just have awful play calling. I don't know who should be QB, I'll let you offensive minds figure that out. I just think the play calling has no rhythm or reason behind it. It's very sand lot. The two minute drill is ridiculous in light of the 2nd QTR. Kick the other guys *** with one set of play calls and then never do it again the rest of the game. Oh and sit or don't throw to the players that moved the chains. It's like TB had $200K on Maryland.
TCU will be very telling. How many kids does Patterson have that could start for us on paper? How many could make the travel roster on paper?

Yet, he continues to do more with less, while we do less with more.

Mr SabreHorn, I have to agree. That's the "Inconvenient Truth.."
Short of Tom Brady or the like, most QB's would struggle with TB calling plays. If I were TH I would call plays from the sideline. Screw TB, it's Tom's career on the line. TB had his chance!
From the AAS this evening, sounds like TH is well aware of the fact that it is his career-can't the result was much better:
The Whys of Texas: Longhorns fans keeping calm in wake of season-opening loss? Nah. |
I do wonder if Herman either took over play-calling duties midway through the second quarter against the Terps. Orangebloods reported that Herman did take over play-calling duties at that time, or at least got heavily involved.
I was thinking ten wins, before the Maryland game. Yeah ten. That loss was a Mike Tyson punch in the gut. TH reminds me of the captain of the titanic. The titanic horns.

I understand why Herman has to start Sam. If he starts Shane and Shane looks good and we win soundly then Herman looks bad. Course he already looks bad.

I saw last year he is a bad decision maker, except for his wife. Bad decisions are piling up.

I was thinking with this talent we have we were going to surprise some folks. But somehow, mysteriously, I forgot who our coach is.:facepalm:
For about the 3rd time since the Sat. debacle, I re-watched the MD game.

That pathetic opening drive 3 and out by the O absolutely sucked!

Certainly a win-able game, but so many mistakes. > 100 yards in penalties, critical turnovers, poor execution, terrible throws, poor play calling. I'm hopeful that some of these elements are somewhat typical of the first game of the season and can be addressed, adjusted, corrected for game 2 and beyond. However, my thoughts are haunted by last season, SE and TH.

So I'm sticking with my most recent crystal ball prediction of 6-6.

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Right now I'm having trouble seeing that 2nd win in the first 6 and seeing a realistic (or is it just pessimistic?) possibility of a 3 or 4 win season. Lets see how we look against Tulsa.
Right now I'm having trouble seeing that 2nd win in the first 6 and seeing a realistic (or is it just pessimistic?) possibility of a 3 or 4 win season. Lets see how we look against Tulsa.

Yeah, I have some of the same thoughts.... Tulsa game will tell us a lot.
Still optimistic but withholding personal predictions until after the USC game. That is unless any combination of losing to Tulsa or being embarrassed by USC occurs.... at which point I'll believe the wheels are off the bus.
I believe that Maryland can’t play any better than they played and we can’t play any worse. Boyd won’t drop another sure interception. Our punter will not kick another 15 yard punt. We will give Ingram the ball and he will be a star. I believe coach will DEMAND excellence from the entire team, and that Sam will perform at a high level or he will sit - and our coaches will not wait until the fourth quarter to make that move. Beck will be fired. Sooner rather than later. And we will beat everybody on our schedule, and BEYOND. And it won’t necessarily be that close.
That is all.

I like your conviction or perhaps your sarcasm... if it's conviction / faith tell us what you know or what you saw that gives you this unbridled confidence!!
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I believe that Maryland can’t play any better than they played and we can’t play any worse. Boyd won’t drop another sure interception. Our punter will not kick another 15 yard field goal. We will give Ingram the ball and he will be a star. I believe coach will DEMAND excellence from the entire team, and that Sam will perform at a high level or he will sit - and our coaches will not wait until the fourth quarter to make that move. Beck will be fired. Sooner rather than later. And we will beat everybody on our schedule, and BEYOND. And it won’t necessarily be that close.
That is all.
So faith. Sorry but i dont buy into it
That pathetic opening drive 3 and out by the O absolutely sucked!
I watched the last two drives (last 5 min) again. Also sucked. SE missed two game changing passes: 1) heard was beginning to separate from the Db; 2)then another to Josh (don't remember the kid's last name) who was wide open.

We just don't have a good offense; cannot be explosive without a better arm (Shane, Riser, etc) to put pressure on their (fill in blank) back seven.
I had us at 7-5 before and still do.

Regardless of what your crystal ball prediction was in preseason no one was counting MD in the Loss column.

If you meant wrote it off as sure loss, then no. But before the turmoil I had it predicted as one of our 5 losses.

I stand corrected MudHorn and Run Pincher picked the terps for the win.
^^ Htown77 believed. Htown77 still wanted to believe on Sunday. Then on Monday Herman said “Ehlinger all the way” and Htown77 went “no hope”.

If Herman actually plays another QB, I think we can win a lot of games and Herman’s career here can be saved. I just do not believe he’ll ever pull Ehlinger and 7-6 will follow.
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