IMO, the Fix is in

"They printed 600K less mail-in ballots than mail-in ballots that were returned."

"They think we're stupid."

He should have said "They think YOU'RE stupid."
"They printed 600K less mail-in ballots than mail-in ballots that were returned."

"They think we're stupid."

He should have said "They think YOU'RE stupid."

Nah...Guiliani thinks those listening to him are stupid. Don't be stupid. ;)

Look what he's claimed in court, not wackadoo interviews and press conferences. In the first time he's been in front of a judge in 30 years he specifically stated "we are not claiming fraud occurred" when asked pointedly by the judge. In that case the specific remedy they were asking for was for the judge to declare Trump the "winner" because 2 people in Western PA weren't given the opportunity to cure their votes in Western PA. Yes, that is effectively asking to throw out the votes of nearly 7M people, or at least 3,458,229 who pushed Biden to victory. This is the case the Trump Campaign is praying gets to the SCOTUS. They are 0-2 so far on this case.
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"They printed 600K less mail-in ballots than mail-in ballots that were returned."

But they probably didn't print "do not copy or reproduce" on them, so naturally some folks voted 8,10, ....100 times.

Surely there was some bar code or unique identifying element that made each mail-in ballot unique and identifiable. I mean come on they weren't printed in College Station or Norman were they?

Watched the Pennsylvania hearing of Republican State Congresspeople talking to Guiliani. The most seminal statement to me was Guiliani who said "the reason we are here is because the Courts won't give us a fair hearing".

Let that settle in. The Courts are now part of this broad conspiracy that should prompt these State Legislatures to overwrite the statutory authority they've given to certify the vote and assign the electors themselves.

The PA hearing was good fodder. More claims of "we have the affidavits". Guiliani admitted that the only thing more credible is if these witnesses had to swear on the bible in front of the court. Did they offer that up? They brought witnesses to this hearing. Why not the courts? When the affidavits were actually submitted in court the judges found them "non-credible", over and over.

At this time, this is nothing more than a PR stunt, a very bad one. It will be effective to the true believers who don't need facts to leap to a conclusion.
But they probably didn't print "do not copy or reproduce" on them, so naturally some folks voted 8,10, ....100 times.

Surely there was some bar code or unique identifying element that made each mail-in ballot unique and identifiable. I mean come on they weren't printed in College Station or Norman were they?
Trumps got the libs right where he wants them. They’re gonna shot their pants when JFK Jr comes down the escalator at trump tower next month!!!’

Ask yourself why this meeting was held at a hotel in Gettysburg rather than the State House 37 miles away in Harrisburg? It wasn't an official hearing. It was a PR stunt put on for campaign purposes likely paid for by the Trump campaign for the PA Republican party. Article II is real but the "elite strike force" and their attempts to overturn the election are transparently weak. The only goal of these efforts is to fire up the election was stolen crowd. I hope that crowd is smart enough to ask why the "mounds and mounds" of evidence isn't being presented in court?
Doesn't this guy remind us of Husker on this thread?


Let's analyze his claim. He's saying that 50,000 votes in Delaware County have gone missing. Delaware County has 425,516 registered voters. Delaware County reported 329,404 accepted votes. That's a 77% voter participation rate without even considering ballots that were tossed out. Mr. Strenstrom is saying that the tally should have been 50k higher? The vote participation rate was actually 89%+?

Incidentally, Biden won Delaware County 62.96% to 36.13%. The Dem Attorney General won the county 60.62% - 37.16%. This is a heavy Democratic County that also happens to be 8 miles away from Joe Biden's home in Greenville, Delaware.

Is Mr. Strenstrom's claim possible. Yes. Is it likely? No. Should he have reported this to the State AG's office if he was concerned. Yes. Has he? Who knows but doubtful.
Let's analyze his claim. He's saying that 50,000 votes in Delaware County have gone missing. Delaware County has 425,516 registered voters. Delaware County reported 329,404 accepted votes. That's a 77% voter participation rate without even considering ballots that were tossed out. Mr. Strenstrom is saying that the tally should have been 50k higher? The vote participation rate was actually 89%+?

Incidentally, Biden won Delaware County 62.96% to 36.13%. The Dem Attorney General won the county 60.62% - 37.16%. This is a heavy Democratic County that also happens to be 8 miles away from Joe Biden's home in Greenville, Delaware.

Is Mr. Strenstrom's claim possible. Yes. Is it likely? No. Should he have reported this to the State AG's office if he was concerned. Yes. Has he? Who knows but doubtful.
This whole charade is about fundraising from the rubes and selling trump flags. [insert Zeke Elliott video lapping up malt o meal after a 1 yard run to get a first down]
Bush had FL state law on his side.

Be careful. On some issues, Trump had Pennsylvania law on his side. However, Biden and Gore had the Pennsylvania and Florida Supreme Courts on their side, so it didn't matter what the law actually said. Having the law on your side only matters if the judges believe in the supremacy of the written law and the subordination of their preferred political outcomes. The Democratic judges in Florida and Pennsylvania didn't believe in that, so it didn't matter who had the law on his side.

The key difference is that in 2000, Florida truly was close - enough for minor issues with voting and strict adherence to the law to impact the outcome. Pennsylvania was close in terms of percentages but nowhere near close enough for minor issues to flip the state. If Trump had only lost PA by a few hundred votes and we were haggling over counting late ballots (an issue where Trump had the law on his side but the court wiped its *** with the law), I'd be far more sympathetic to Trump's position.
My Facebook friends seem to think that this thing is over and trump is about to pull the rug out on the Libs. This should prove interesting. If I’ve learned one thing from 2020 it’s to not be shocked.
My Facebook friends seem to think that this thing is over and trump is about to pull the rug out on the Libs. This should prove interesting. If I’ve learned one thing from 2020 it’s to not be shocked.

I voted for Trump (and took a shower afterwards). If he has something and ultimately wins, I'll be pleased (relatively speaking). Hell, if he actually proves that Dominion is rigging elections, I'll hail him as a savior of the republic. I'm just asking for some evidence to support the claims. That's it.

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