Imagine that! BO will

As Dandy Don Meredith said "if if's and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a very merry Christmas." No doubt there are Presidential and Congressional actions that coulda, shoulda, woulda prevented this crisis.

I think the salient point now is what we CAN do and I'm impressed with Sen Flake's ideas and unimpressed with President Obama's.

As an adult, I've become a serious believer in depersonalizing conflict. I remember as a child watching Congressmen and Senators interact and I thought the extreme politeness was comical. No I long for a gentler tone that actually allows more robust discussion of policy issues and less vilification and ********..
I take your point about not being able to go back and change things
I hope you see my point about this crisis having long been known.
So what action can BO take now?
can he send the NG to turn back more from coming in ?
can he take action against Mexico for allowing the Death trains with thousands on top in plain sight to transverse a 1000 miles up Mexico? btw Reuters has pics of one such death trains derailed with 1300 illegals trying to get to our border.Why won't Mexico do what they usually do?
arrest these illegals and send them back?

all this could be done NOW and stem some of the influx while Congress works through the supplemental bill
Hopefully they will see the wisdom of securing the border and make sure that is a prerequisite to getting us to borrow anymore money
What I can do is what I have done ... notify my Congressman and senators that I wish they would to support Sen. Flake's legislative proposals. i also commended to them Flake's communication style on this issue ... letting them know I believe more cerebral, less angry, communication is more likely to have a positive policy outcome.

I honestly have no useful advice for the administration. What goes on inside Mexico or even our border patrol is very much outside my circle of influence.
" What goes on inside Mexico or even our border patrol is very much outside my circle of influence. "
You are far too modest.
I bet even now the NSA is forwarding your cogent opinions to BO

and placing me on a 'watch' list
This is INSANE
"Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Thursday that as many as 90,000 unaccompanied child migrants could cross the southwest border before the end of this fiscal year in September.

Read more:The Link

and there is nothing we as a nation can do to stop this?

Oh wait.
Congress should just vote to borrow more billions

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