I'm Substitute Teaching for A Sooner


500+ Posts
Folks, I work at a high school in Little Rock. During our conference periods, we get an extra $20 to watch a class where they couldnt fill the position with a sub. These students are watching Mythbusters, apparently they've already seen it. They are bored, and I'm not teaching anything.

Oh, and there is sooner crap all over her desk. Im sitting right next to a Sooner Schooner paperweight. There is a picture her vantage point of some game at their stadium. They dont look like very good seats.

What can I do to be devious to her? I dont have access to a printer, I don't want to lose my job, and I don't want to do anything too uncool. Help me, Hornfans.
Good you can begin the de-progamming prcess. Of course, since you are in Arkansas the default setting is no better. I would suggest counter-subconscious espionage as your best bet.
Im putting a big longhorn on the dry erase board. Under it, "57-40-5. 7 Major NCAA infractions. Brian Bosworth and Toby Kieth are just lame."
If she has a computer, then change her screensaver to something longhorn obviously. Thats the first thing i'd do. If she has any kind of sooner cup or mug, piss in it.
Sooners know how to use computers?
Bomarred already set as wallpaper.

What is our all time record vs. them in Baseball? Im not sure if I want to know in Basketball.

Who was that guy that played for ou, Mookie Blaylock or cookie or something?
You deserve all the praise in the world. I used to be a high school special education teacher in Kingwood and then in SW Houston. I taught Adaptive Behavior (Emotionally Disturbed) and Resource Math. My first year I had approximately 25 preps.

If not too late, you could turn her mouse pointer into a Horn.
Dang, Im home now and cant do it anymore. I wish I could have done the mousepointer thing though. I did put this on her board next to a big orange dry erase longhorn...

Boo List:

Brian Bosworth

Toby Keith

Barry Switzer

Boomer Sooner fight song (played too much)

Quentin Griffin

Teddy Lehman

7 NCAA Major Infractions

I couldnt do much else. I didnt want to get into trouble.

Oh, and as far as my classroom goes, I have 2 teacher assistants! It is a really nice job, our kids arent behavior problems at all.
Im guessing you dont really know what "deface" means, as last I checked....whiteboard dry erase material...can be erased.

Desktops....can be changed.

Sooners....well, there's little hope. I suspect it's due to multiple generations of in-breeding.
Let's think about this for a second: Arky kids being taught by a sooner. You had on mythbusters (which is at least somewhat entertaining), what else could you have done? Perhaps if you had looked deep in her drawers I bet you would've found her "How tah Propirly Kook Up Meth in a Traylor Parck Widout Blowin Up da Nayberhud". I'm sure the chemistry kids would've recognized it right away.

However had you altered any of the instructions in that book, there might've been a huge explosion at the school the very next week. You would have to live with the knowledge that you helped an Okie blow up her class. But then again, this is Arky so I'm sure it happens a lot more often than the rest of the nation.


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