'I'm 40 and a douchebag...'

This was my point all along. Everyone was giving Gundy credit for sticking up for his player, but he was also giving all the d-bag fans ammo to last a lifetime. That incident is the only thing 99% percent of the country will know Bobby Reid for.

This article also proves Reid has a stage mom and he's a little *****.
Seems to me both parties are at fault.

Bobby Reid more so. The difference between a player of Vince Young's caliber and a player of Bobby Reid's caliber is that the VY type players will shine the brightest when adversity hits and they need to make plays. The Bobby Reid type players cower under this pressure.

But Gundy is also at fault. He basically sold the kid snake-oil that Reid ate up.
Bobby Reid is not bitter, he is real. Gundy stepped way over the line with the rant in multiple ways. .

How many of you Mack haters were all over Mack for defending Chris Simms in a press conference?

I will be rooting for Texas Southern this year. He is a good kid.

I never did understand why Gundy did not put him back in the OU game when he led the team to aTD in the prior drive.

Someone explain that.
I don't know what to make of Reid. I know people who know him. He's a fine person, as best I can tell.

Whether he's as good a football player as they hoped, I guess we'll have to see. He wouldn't be the first guy not to meet high expectations.
When a generally good kid throws a tantrum in front of a good coach, that kid will come out the next day to apologize to his teammates, coach, and fans; the good coach will dress him down overnight and make sure the kid does his own public mea culpa.

Letting it slide, talking negatively about your player without him present, and getting into a contest with your player are signs of inferior leadership. Reid may not always have been a model player, but a stronger coach might have made a better leader out of BR.
For all the money that OSU is throwing into the program, I have no idea why they stand for a guy like Gundy. He's horrible. He's immature. He's in over his head. Do I think Reid is perfect? Sure don't. Do I know Gundy is a dbag? Sure do.
My guess is that Boone Pickens can control Gundy, and that's why he stays.

For the record, I'm 51, I'm a woman, and I will be rooting for Bobby Reid.
The article confirms everything I thought about both of them. Gundy is in way over his head and Reid can't handle the pressure of Big 12 football. He got benched for a player who his coach thought was better. Sucks, may not have been the right choice, but no one can say Gundy had it out for Reid and was looking to ruin his life.
The other thing I was going to say was I now understand why the chicken thing wasn't that big a deal. The family already was mad at the coach... they were happier that the story was getting out, such as it was.
I still think the "outrage" was faked. Gundy got caught trashing his own player to the Okie media and he had to act indignant about it.

The report makes two things obvious:

1) Bobby Reid is indeed a momma's boy who had his chance to play big time college ball (well, sorta...it was okie state), tried, failed & will more than likely spend the rest of his life hearing how he could have been "the next Vince Young". But he was smart enough to graduate early & will hopefully go on to a successful life after college football

2). Mike Gundy is a grade A douche who will never accomplish anything as a head football coach & will forever be immortalized for his preposterous "I'm a man" tantrum.

No innocent people were injured over that entire clusterfuck of a player-coach relationship.
22 and your life is "ended", huh. Because of a rant by an idiot coach. Shows a remarkable lack of perspective. That alone makes makes me wonder if this kid will make it after football.

Did I mention that Gundy is an idiot?
I think the claims of Gundy staging the rant may be pushing it a little, but it definitely smacks of someone who's probably feeling a little guilt over how he treated Reed.

Having said that, college sports is what it is. Good kids lose their jobs for a lot of reasons, some fair, some not. You don't respond by pouting and throwing a fit. This is not that different from what dozens of blue chip QBs every year have to deal with when they realize they're not going to be "the man" like everyone said they'd be.
If Reid was a good football player, he would have been starting. He was already counting his NFL millions before he even graduated from high school.