Ugh. I'm so fuckin' tired of this issue. It's one of these issues on which I'm just surrounded by idiots and unpatriotic jackasses.
On the Left, we have Democratic leaders who just disregard the fact that these people break the law to enter the country and descend into race-baiting as a diversion from the illegality. In fact, they celebrate all non-white immigration, because they want to change the demographics of the United States, which they think will benefit them long term. (I'll give pasotex points for tacitly admitting to this. At least he has the integrity not to ******** and lie.) Sadly, that's the Texas Democratic Party's primary strategy. They have too much contempt for average Texans today to try to appeal to them, so they hope and pray that Texas gets taken over by Mexicans so that the average Texan gets outnumbered. Pathetic.
On the Right, we have a bunch of greedy sacks of **** who aren't willing to pay national market wages, so they want to flood the labor market with millions of immigrants who are just happy not to live on dirt floors and not to have to subsist on a bowl of rice a day. They bankroll the Republican Party, because they know its alleged patriotism can be bought off for the right price.
The Democratic base voters (blacks and other minorities legally in the United States, union members, lower and lower middle class Americans, etc.) go along basically because they're too blinded by partisan and racial politics to see that illegal immigration hurts them. Does anyone really think that flooding the labor market with illegal immigrants is good for black workers, union workers, and lower income workers? Only an idiot wouldn't know that it financially sodomizes all of them, but your average voter in this class is just simply too stupid to think that many steps ahead.
The Republican base voters (white people that don't hate God) think they're not going along with it, but they let their legitimate concerns be redirected by demagoguery. If a Republican politician just bashes the immigrants themselves, your average idiot Republican voter will just ignore the fact that the politician engaging in the demagoguery is being bankrolled by crooked business owners who make money off of illegal immigration and is doing everything he can behind closed doors to protect the crooked business owner. The result is that even though they at least see that illegal immigration is a big problem, they're really just as stupid as the Democratic base voter is because they can't make the connection between big money and illegal immigration.
With these political dynamics, we're never going to get a real solution to the problem. I have absolutely no hope at all on this issue.