Maxine Waters is a kook with ZERO power. She's a good stooge for the right to point to as a "typical Democrat/liberal".
Here is how little power she has amongst her peers in Congress:
Committee assignments[edit]
Previously, she had served on the
Committee on the Judiciary.
Caucus memberships[edit]
She's so powerful her voice was nonexistent as the House rolled back nearly all the Dodd-Frank rules put in place to protect us from another financial meltdown.
But we do have documented evidence that these two FBI employees (with the power to cause mischief) were out for blood.
Out for blood or simply overreacting like every other liberal in the US at the thought of a Trump presidency? I do think conservatives are overreacting to some texts every bit as much as these 2 liberals were doing in the moment.
You think they wanted any of the other Republicans? Rubio? Bush? What you have to believe is that they are real patriots who want only what's best for America and that their negative comments about Trump were solely about Trump and not about a Republican taking office.
From my perspective, Liberals weren't upset at any Trump policies other than his anti-Muslim stance. It was his clear sexism and misogyny that were a central tenor of his campaign speeches that drove the anti-Trump movement. They were upset at the social norms he proudly flouted. The fact that he could say "blood coming out of her you know where" and mock Fiorina's looks and his supporters said "so what?". In fact, they proudly adopted his crassness in the form of T-Shirts saying Hillary for Prison as a badge of honor. This is what drove the million woman "pussyhat" march immediately following his inauguration. Did Trump hardly talk about policy on the campaign trail? To me, he preferred to proffer in cute nicknames and colloquialisms. If anything, he was the
shallowest POTUS candidate we've had in my lifetime.
If you're talking about issues
since the election then yes, he's advanced the rights agenda. Keep in mind these FBI texts that were recovered were leading up to and on the election. To my knowledge we haven't seen any texts post election.
Besides, the President really doesn't have that much power unless he abuses the executive orders. And I don't consider rescinding a stay on enforcing immigration laws to be a form of abuse.
I used to think that but Trump has deftly stolen the power from Congress. They've abdicated any check on his power. In some ways, they
aid him (see Nunes). They look the other way as he profits daily from being POTUS. Do you think it's a coincidence that Ivanka Trump gets 10-20 trademarks approved in China the week leading up to DJT's visit? How about the $500M China invested recently in a Trump branded development in Malaysia?
I firmly believe Paul Ryan sold his soul to Trump simply to get the largest tax cut passed. This is the only reason I can gather that Ryan hasn't stepped in to pull Nunes back. In many ways, the right leadership has sold their souls. They've given up
conservative values for Trump values. In return, they get conservative judges, the EPA and Consumer Protection Bureau raped and a massive tax cut that will saddle our future generations with an every increasing debt. Just like Bush...somehow we leverage the good economic times to
dramatically increase the debt rather than pay it down.