If you might get hurricane damage . . .

Until someone other than attorneys start bitching about the law, we will have to consider it a wonderful idea. If the pendulum swings, the law will change.

Fair enough. Lol. And FWIW, even if I think you're wrong on this, you're very right on so many things and hold well-reasoned and intelligent opinions, so it's hard not to give you some respect.
I've yet to compliment Trump. Other than a few minor missteps on dealing with humans he's done nothing to criticize here. Watching folks (black/brown/beige/white) work together is encouraging. The only feedback I'd offer the President is that he should work on his empathy. But, that's not in his wheelhouse.

And on the celebrity thing? 1. Too soon. 2. New Orleans is kind of a hub of culture that many of those folks are drawn to. It would be similar to Nashville being damaged. Houston is almost like a larger Ft. Worth or OKC (no offense meant here). And, in summation, [hook'em] to south Texas.
Nashville had a flood, bad one, and Nashville reacted like Houston in that local folks helped local folks. National press was VERY noticeable in its absence, ok I'll change that to minimal coverage.
It was a tough call for Houstonians during Harvey, whether to just starve or go vegan

It was a tough call for Houstonians during Harvey, whether to just starve or go vegan


LOL but am guessing that was actually among the first sections to have been restocked (and possibly because that was all the store had left in the back).

There were some crappy flavors of chips left behind though...the marketing peeps really would do well to look at shelves during the buying frenzy the day before a storm. If the crap doesn't sell even in THAT situation, that should tell the companies something...
Dems on twitter are besides themselves over this imagery

Saw many complaining about the victims that have indicated their opinions of Trump were actually changed having had the opportunity to meet and speak with him. Makes them sad that the narrative is being destroyed by a President that the left despises...

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