'If you like your Health plan you can keep it'

I honestly think that nothing should change until the next election. The Dems wanted this debacle; let'em ride it to the elections.

I am not a republican or democrat, but more of elect the best person for the job. In this particular situation, I am pulling for the dissmantling of ACA. I think the republicans hold all the cards now in regards to ACA. In order for anything to change to the ACA, the dems will need the vote of pubs. If the pubs want changes in other programs, they can use this as a bartering chip to help their cause.
When will companies offering employee insurance policies start to cancel their policies?
Anyone think employees understand what is coming?

How about not understanding that companies do have to offer coverage for employee children but do not have to pay any of it and the costs aren't cheap
plus now they don't even have to offer spouse insurance.
The shock wave coming from all of that that will be a full tsunami.

The object might have been to move closer to single payer but I don't think Ocare can last that long.

and isn't it funny that all of a sudden it is racist to call this obamacare.
If you say anything other than Obama is God reincarnated then you are a Racist. And Oprah says you need to die. Hence the need for Death Panels. Ah, it is all beginning to come together now.
Be sure to look both ways several times if you cross any streets today and for sure do NOT open any mail from the IRS.

I see BO is delaying the sign up for those employees who will lose their insurance next year.
Imagine that BO is delaying it until AFTER next year's election.
Any supporter remember the names the GOP got called for suggesting a delay?

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