If you like your health ins you can keep it

Of course there are major major issues with obamacare

but this is about Bo all but lying to the public about the plan.
either he was lying or he was too stupid and didn't know
either way his lying or stupidity will sink us

Pelosi OTHS IS lying. She told reporters yesterday she didn't remember saying everyone's bill would be lower.

Bo said the same thing

does anyone really think neither of them remember saying that crap as they shove that chit down everyone's throat?

Knowing what we all know can even the most ardent supporter say we should keep going forward with the crap
OR should we say, let's start over and actually look sat the consequences this time instead of lying
I believe I have said it once before but I will say it again, the medical business in the USA is a for profit business, and will charge you what they can charge and get away with. Insurance companies can negotiate what they will pay, cash paying consumers can as well to some degree as well.

But the charges are usually excessive and do not truly represent a valid cost structure. My son has a rare disease which requires a series of 3 shots when he has an outbreak. Sometimes he requires a 2nd series of shots. The 3 shots cost $18k, two weeks ago we had a home nurse come out and administer those three shots. The cost for her to come out and spend an hour with us? $39K bill to the insurance which the insurance then paid $9k due to their contract. This last time, he had to get 2 treatments, so the cost? Yep, $79k bill to the insurance, who then paid $18k to the home health agency, for approximately 2 hours of work. With the costs of the drugs, that was a total cost of $54k.
Truly sorry your son has this disease. I cannot imagine what you and your family goes through.

ACA will not fix your situation and could unfortunately make it worse.

The charges you are speaking of sound fraudulent, but I am not fully aware of all of the circumstances. Does his doctor know of the billing situation? Regardless, I hope your son's illness is cured and I at least hope some relief comes through on the financial side of your situation.
I agree with Un
How great is it that there are meds to help your son. medical scientists are so needed

I wonder if there will be companies willing to invest billions on research that may or may not work
I have heard that Congress should have taken the time to read the Obamacare bill before they passed it. Apparently Congress members and congressional employees will no longer be exempt from this law. Great! Now if we could only make sure that the Congress pays into Social Security and gets the same benefits as the rest of us we'd be making some real progress.

How long do you think it will take Congress to " undo" the Grassley Amendment so they can continue their rolls Royce plans mostly paid for by us?

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