'If you like your health care plan,..'

Unfortunately, opinions and interpretations of ACA are like ********, everyone has one. In some respects, this is one of the major issues with this law. Too confusing and does not take into account the unintended consequences of the provisions. Even the President has changed the law as favor to his constituents and leaders from Unions and some Democrats have warned of the coming negative impacts of this "train wreck." (See Max Baucus and Harry Reid)

I too have attended dozens of presentations both for and against the law. The view from Don Berwick was somehow vastly different than the views of the CEO of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Honestly, following someone who basically lied to his constituents seems difficult, although he is a doctor.

I meet with healthcare professionals every day and know many business owners. Those who dislike the law seem to vastly outnumber those who favor the law. Not scientific, but is my experience.

I respect your opinion on medical issues posted on the board and look forward to the education you plan to provide. However, if it just blindly lists nothing but benefits of the law without any acceptance of the negative impacts, it will be nothing more than a Howard Dean "yeeeeeehaaaa!"
I am sorry. I thought you were specifically calling people ignorant who questioned the law and you were offering to start a thread to inform everyone. I guess that was somebody else.
Not rediculous and it will happen. Looks like youv'e taken the Obama ACA hook, line, and sinker.
Congress can't even figure out what the law is or what it will do. Do you expect everyone here to accept that you do?
Please explain how Newdoc can get his same plan IF his current plan doesn't cover the ' essential services" now required by obamacare?

One FACT coming out is the which hospitals are on the plans. In some cases the hospitals on plans are many miles away.

Here in Dallas for instance only 1 in 3 plans have the Baylor facilities on plan.
Apparently, no doctors have enrolled in Maryland. You can be forced to buy insurance that is accepted by nobody?

Search for your physician. If you are interested in understanding which health plans a particular doctor participates in, please visit https://providersearch.crisphealth.org

– a new service sponsored by Maryland Health Connection. For the time being, doctors and other providers are not yet available in Maryland Health Connection; therefore, if you choose to search for them on the website, you will receive a message that “no doctors are found” message.
Nice dodge

will you at least be honest enough to admit that people who now have plans that don't cover 10 particular areas like maternity, mental health or pediatric including vision and oral can keep their same plan?
" if your plan is still offered by you employer you can keep that plan."

for how long?
and why just if it is an employer offered plan

why discriminate against people who are not on employer plans?
Health Insurers Cancel Thousands of Individual Policies Under PPACA
Written by Helen Adamopoulos (Twitter | Google+) | October 21, 2013


Health insurers are sending out thousands of cancellation notices to individual policy holders, frustrating consumers who want to keep their current coverage, according to a Kaiser Health News report.

Insurance companies mainly state the policies they have decided to ax don't meet Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requirements, according to the report. Under the reform law, individual health plans must cover "essential benefits" such as prescription drugs, mental health services and maternity care. Insurers must also cap consumers' annual expenses.

Various insurers are dropping plans that cover sizeable chunks of their individual markets. Florida Blue is ending about 300,000 policies, 80 percent of its individual policies in the state. Kaiser Permanente in California has sent cancellation notices to approximately 160,000 people who make up half of its individual business in the state, according to the report.

Pennsylvania insurers Highmark and Independence Blue Cross have decided to cancel policies sold to customers with pre-existing conditions, leading consumer advocates to express concerns that the companies are trying to push out their most costly enrollees, according to the report.

However, insurers have stated they encourage customers whose policies are being cancelled to re-enroll in new plans. Highmark spokeswoman Kristin Ash told Kaiser people who may have had limited benefits because of medical conditions can get better benefits at a lower rate by purchasing new plans.

What part of ACA has Obama not lied about?
Actual numbers in for Hu_Fan on 2014 policy.

I began the coverage three years ago, which was after ACA was passed into law. I'm figuring the insurance companies would now know to calculate getting to eventual roll-out, so here is how it has gone with me.

2011, base year.
2012 rate went up 11%
2013 rate went up 15%
2014 rate, by letter this week, up 19%

If I do the math for 2014 back to the base year, then over three years and inside the passage of Obamcare, the policy is up 52%.

I felt by last year that I was being "staged" in increments, so was not that surprised at the 19% jump over 2013, and had a feeling that I should see that the policy had been gradually increased, avoiding sticker shock this time around.
Seems like you are an exception.
The Link

The Link

It looks like insurance premiums had doubled in about 8 years time starting in 1999 way before the advent of Obamacare.

Wonder if the aging population may explain increasing insurance costs.
Michtex beat me to it. Insurance rates have been increasing significantly well before ACA was proposed. My own insurance jumped 40% this year. I'm in IT but support our HR systems. Our benefits director tried to BS me that the increase was ACA related. When I called her on it she admitted that it was a reason that employees could buy into rather than reality, companies are less willing to eat the increase in costs than the were previously. They are now passing on a greater % of healthcare costs to the employees to use that money to invest elsewhere. Companies are still contributing more but if the cost raise 20% they are only taking on 5% of that and passing the rest to the employee.

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