If you go to ___, why would you eat at ___?

Some friends vacationed in the Bahamas one summer. Ate at Pizza Hut, Mc D's and whatever other chain for EVERY meal. They like being safe, they also do not like seafood.

Unless you are travelling with small children, I do not understand not even trying a local place at least once. Heck even small children can be taught to try stuff. While we were in Athens, we had 3 kids under 10 with us, and asked waiters every time, what did they recommend for the kids. They usually brought something familiar and something new for them. The one thing my own 9 year old did not like was the stuffed grape leaves. Thought they looked like a big wet cigar.
Maybe it just close to the place you are staying at. Hit a Hooters in florida because it was next to our hotel. They had cold beer and the Reds were on tv. Good enough for me.
The answer to a lot of these questions is simple: $$$$$.

You can get like 100 shrimp, however poorly cooked, at Red Lobster for $9.99.

There may be inexpensive local places, but then the second answer kicks in, which is the familiarity thing already brought up. If you have only a few bucks to spend on dinner in a strange place, some people might choose to get a big comfort food meal that they know is ok rather than try the cool falafel stand with the great chili sauce.
Money is a b.s. excuse (no offense). I never spend a ton of money on food when I go on trips, aside of course from the 1-2 high-end meals I eat in a given city. I'd way rather eat a gyro off a pushcart than stop in and waste money (and possibly valuable time depending on how long a stay) eating at a chain.

I guess if I was scared of stuff like that I'd go hit up a fast food joint before I went to Applebee's.
I am cursed with friends who are NOT foodies. So in NYC I ate at Red Lobster, Houlihans, Ihop and Balthazar (I insisted). I'm still bitter and looking for new friends. I'm just saying.

My one exception to the rule was eating fast food in London. About 10 years ago the food started to get MUCH better in the UK, but god damn the food was ******* awful before that. My father and I would roll around London trying to find anything worth a damn, and then we would give up and just eat McDonalds. Mackes me sick to even think about it. Now in London you can get some of the best food in the world.

I had some clients from Samsung in Seoul visit Austin once...they made me take them to Korea House and then to Koreana. That was it.
Was the Popeye's in NO a buffet ?

The Popeye's in Lafayette, was a buffet. It is amazing how much one can eat when you put your mind to it.

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