If Colt is not ahead of Tebow in the Heisman lists

If McCoy ends the season with his current stats extrapolated to 12 games, then he will win the Heisman going away. The caveat is that his current numbers have been compiled against Florida Atlantic, UTEP, Rice and Arkansas. Let’s see where they stand in November.
Well, If ESPN grants the Heisman as previous posters suggested (I tend to agree), then Colt is not even being watched yet. It's really not worth talking about until after the OU game.
The Link
Tebow , from last year to this, steps backwards. Colt steps forward.

Right now, Colt is the all-around best quarterback in the game. Period. No If's And's or But's.

It has taken Kirk Bohls 4 weeks to see what I saw in game one.

Colt is the complete package. He's better at the complete game than Bradford or Daniels. Period. It's so obvious, it's not even funny.

I rate Colt on track to be the best pure quarterback in the past 20 years. VY was a unique talent with no comparison. Colt is better than anyone out of the Pac 10 or SEC. Period. Since I've been following the game.

Once Garrett Gilbert gets here, it will be lights out. This program might surpass 50 wins without a loss.

Starting this season. If we make it through this one undefeated, we do not lose again for 4 to 5 years.