If Clinton finally gets snared...

Yes she has used the VRWC as well as saying the State Dept over uses the top secret etc labels.
There are not many deflection left for her to use
And still people support her
I know Hillary's Teflon coating seems to be as effective as her husband's was. But I was thinking this morning about what would happen if something finally sticks and Hillary has to withdraw. I thought of four possible scenarios:

(1) If it happens early in the primary season, Bernie picks up Hillary's votes and gets the Democratic nod. If the Republicans persist in putting an idiot on the ticket, we could end up with a radical leftist in the White House. :puke:

(2) If it happens after Hillary has accumulated enough votes for the nomination, but before the convention, Hillary's delegates can vote for anyone. They are more likely to pick someone like Biden or O'Malley than Bernie. Or perhaps we end up with an unknown newcomer.

(3) If it happens after the convention but before the deadline to file a party's candidate, Hillary's running mate steps up to the top of the ticket.

(4) If it happens after candidates are filed, I have no idea what happens. Most likely, the ballot has Clinton on it and the Dems get trounced.
I know it's a long shot, but I'd love to see scenario 2 happen. If nothing else, it would be the most interesting convention ever.

I'm still holding out hope for my scenario 2 -- Hillary gets indicted and steps down, and someone else (anyone, really) gets the Democratic nomination.

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