If Brooks is out

It's time for Blue to blow. We have seen glimpses.
I like Baxter also. He just needs some giddyup at the right time. I really believe he is going to be a force but he is still a freshman.
Yep Sark is going to need to get creative and get Blue and Robinson out in space with the ball.
The team should put his number on thier helmets.
Dedicate rest of season to him.
Yes indeed. No question without him and AD this season, we are staring down mediocrity.
Hopefully JBlue, C4 and KRob can step up big time. JBlue and KRob do have some serious jets, the oline just has to pave the way now.
Torn ACL probably also impacts his decision on turning pro. Sucks for the kid, hopefully he can fully recover by next summer and either have another great year at Texas or if he did turn pro be ready to make a roster in the NFL.
I wonder if we may go more west coast office, dinking and ducking, play action fakes, bootlegs (my fave). I wonder also how healthy Ewers is and are we risking his NFL future.
If we go to a different QB I would rather it be Manning at least he has feet to do RPOs. Give him a try. We have seen MM and his limitations. Manning would be about as good but MAY BE BETTER.
The top QBs have scrambling ability like C. Williams, B Nix, Penix and they make good use of their feet. And I am not just talking about scrambling for yardage but being elusive enough to avoid a rush and making a throw downfield.
But, realistically, going to Manning might upset the apple cart so I don't see Sark doing that.
Brooks has become my favorite Longhorn since Colt. For his sake I hope he sits until 2025 (if need be). Don't rush him back, when he's healthy he's special
I think the run game will have to change somewhat as to the type of runs called for Baxter. Brooks is a natural fluid cutback runner with good vision that works extremely well with how the Texas o-line blocks. Baxter is not nearly as good at the cutback at this point, as he seems to hesitate when there is a cutback lane and that causes it to close up. Hopefully with more carries he gets more in sync with the line.
Poms.Sark is too stubborn to start Manning. He wouldnt change QBs even if QE threw numerous picks. It was obvious that QE was hurting in the TCU game but he left him in and went to the ground game. His stubbornness will end up being his downfall.
I watched a couple of Brooks HS games, and he was a special player, but that doesn't always transfer to the next level. Kid has worked his butt off to be "the guy", and he deserves the accolades that go with that. Baxter ran with all the authority of the fat lady finishing her last Twinkie before going into Weight Watchers. Either you want or you don't and nobody but Brooks seems to want it. Sark needs to jack Baxter and Blue up and tell them produce Saturday or come by my office Monday and pick up you bus ticket to Huntsville.

Redd appears to be our newest head case who can't break a sweat much less a tackle.

Seems we are RB poor.
Sark should be playing whoever gives the Horns best chance to win, and you don’t have a clue regarding Arch. Shouldn’t be that way cause next year he gonna be a God in the SEC. If not, people be lookin at Sark.
Just sayin…..

“ It was obvious that QE was hurting in the TCU game but he left him in and went to the ground game. His stubbornnesswill end up being his downfall.
I wonder if we may go more west coast office, dinking and ducking, play action fakes, bootlegs (my fave). I wonder also how healthy Ewers is and are we risking his NFL future.
If we go to a different QB I would rather it be Manning at least he has feet to do RPOs. Give him a try. We have seen MM and his limitations. Manning would be about as good but MAY BE BETTER.
The top QBs have scrambling ability like C. Williams, B Nix, Penix and they make good use of their feet. And I am not just talking about scrambling for yardage but being elusive enough to avoid a rush and making a throw downfield.
But, realistically, going to Manning might upset the apple cart so I don't see Sark doing that.

For the hundered millionth time. We will NOT be seeing Arch this season.
Sark should be playing whoever gives the Horns best chance to win, and you don’t have a clue regarding Arch. Shouldn’t be that way cause next year he gonna be a God in the SEC. If not, people be lookin at Sark.
Just sayin…..

“ It was obvious that QE was hurting in the TCU game but he left him in and went to the ground game. His stubbornnesswill end up being his downfall.
No idea what you are talking about. That had nothing to do with QE who had a good game. Ewers was healthy enough to throw for 300 yards. Sark is determined to re-make Alabama endings and it didn’t work. We aren’t seeing Arch and if we do we are trouble.
This sucks obviously. It's interesting to think that Brooks wasn't even the starter at the beginning of the year. What a great surprise and, again, such a tragic loss for the team. I do think the team will be ok, but this is a BIG loss.
For the hundered millionth time. We will NOT be seeing Arch this season.
Good grief people. Other than high school videos, his surname and a few enticing anecdotes about his practices makes you think he is a better option than QE at the moment? Maybe I am wrong (happens frequently), but if he were a best QB at this time I am betting he would be playing.
Some on this board have short memories, while others are too young to know.

We won a national championship in baseball, but the following year, our pitchers (Killer, Clemens, Schiraldi (sp), Cookie, Labay) were gone. When asked how far we would go, Gus replied, "as far as Swindell's arm will take us". His father was at every game and controlled when, how often, and how long he pitched, including that ill-fated short rest game in Omaha.
Peyton left NOLA for Knoxville and Cut rushed his development and he was beaten out by fellow freshman Brandon Stewart from Stephenville. Archie went to Knoxville to have a sit down with Cut. Peyton became starting QB & an NFL legend; Brandon transferred to A&M to never be heard from again. He remains the best HS QB I have ever seen, a statement that Coach Ken Dabbs agreed with.

Perhaps the Manning family has a timeline for Arch to not have him thrown to the wolves. We may have 3 generational QBs on this roster, but only time will tell.
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