Idiotic Aunts and Uncles


25+ Posts
in response to the post about Bess, I thought "hell, I'll play".

I have an aunt that is a complete idiot. SHe is married, and her husband is an idiot too. (he is now in the psyche ward over at shoal creek getting looked over)

They are financially inept, and one summer she had him try to earn some money by doing lawn work. Now this is inbetween his "seizures", which nobody really ever saw. He was not able to go to church or work, but he sure as hell could do anything else. Funny how they always came on sunday about 10 am. ANyway, I digress.

So he gets a job in the hood doing lawns. Some neighbor takes pity on him and he mows her lawn for 20 bucks. Well he runs over the hoses, so that cost him 30 to replace. Then, instead of raking the leaves and grass up, he goes home and gets the vacuum cleaner from inside the house, yes the one you use on the carpet, and proceeds to vacuum the lawn.

SHe basically killed her mom too, but thats another story.
Lets all tell about our idiot relatives and be thankful this holiday season we are no them.

Shouldn't it be "Idoitic Aunts and Uncles?"

I could tell some stories, but my family might get wind of it.
i didnt even realize what forum i was reading as most of the alcohol from last night was still working. thanks for the heads up. maybe i will go read the posting guidelines.

congrats on the omaha challenge contest. Winning that must really be a feather in your cap. Did you put that trophy next to your "******* of the month" collection?