i watch judge judy

rico, i think its time you got thrown over a mountain.


may you land in the arms of abominal snowman. may he love you and hug you and pet you and squeeze you and he will pet you and pet you and he will take you home and call you George.
dude, that pic is pretty sweet except i'm white and the dude getting thrown over the mountain is a black guy. not trying to say it wouldn't be cool to be black because that would increase my chances of being more like vince young, but for factual matters i just needed to point that out.

also, nice touch going with the green sleeves and i've noticed that you've been tanning.
I enjoy watching the court shows. Judge Mathis and Joe Brown are greatness, but Judge Judy is still the best. I cant wait for someone to act like a fool on her show and see her put them in their place. She is like a Mom scolding her rotten teenagers. About all these people can do is take it or be in conempt of court.
I don't like courtroom TV. If I want to laugh at a bunch of tards I go read TexAgs. How the hell have we lost to those turdnuggets 2 years in a row. I think the world is about to end.

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