I was reading the transcript of Mack's comments..


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First off, it looks like we got a heck of a group of kids.

He talked about the new kids and the speed of this class. he also talked about his reasons for staying primarily in state, with the OOS kids he goes after almost always having ties to Texas in some way (like Brewster, who essentially grew up here).

One thing I noticed is his references to cheating.

He seemed to make a point of mentioning it several times. How he talked to Paterno about it, how he deals with it, that sort of stuff. And he went back to that subject a couple or three times... So I would guess something is up. He did say he doesn't report cheating (why???).

He's also in favor of early signing days. He mentioned a late summer one, a post season one, and the traditional February one.

I also liked how he's laid out what next year's class will probably look like: 15 - 18 kids, with needs at DL (he specifically mentioned DE), QB, LB, and RB.

He also said not to expect much in the WR department, because we took so many this year. He also mentioned he'd like a FB and a couple of OL and DBs.

The Link

Mack mentioned at lunch today about a parent looking him straight in the eyes and lying to him. I've heard him say that before.

Sounds like this time, Dr. Powers decided enough is enough.
Damn Mack seems to be a changed man, there seems to be an intensity to everything he's doing since the end of the regular season.

From his offseason hires, to his heavy recruitment of a potential out of state difference maker, to THIS where he just flat out comes out and says somebody lied to him. DAMN THIS IS F'N AWESOME.
I too like this seeming new attitude. Something/someone has pissed him off big time.

My only concern is that he's starting to sound a little bit like DKR towards the end of his time here, where the lying and cheating started to get to him.

I hope Coach Brown can handle it and use the pissed-off-edness to advantage, and not let the cheaters and liars wear him down like it did Coach Royal...
There comes a time in a man's life at which one can "see the end." Your youthful delusions of immortality fade, and you begin to realize that, if you are going to accomplish your goals, you must do it now. This frequently happens to a man in his mid to late 50's. It did to me. At this time you realize that *time* is your most precious thing, and any person who "steals" your time becomes anathema. You can get more money, you can get another wife, but you can not get more time.

When a recruit/family take a recruiter's time, and then renege on their word, they have stolen that recruiter's time.
i like the comment about how mack wanted texas to be 1 out of 1 or 1 of 2 of the recruits' choices and not 1 of 4 or 5. Then the way he said (you have to watch the video or hear the audio b/c the transcript doesn't convey it) b/c if it's 1 of 5 it's really 1 of 4 b/c I'm OUT!!!!

it was almost like chris tucker on rush hour!

Here's the actual quote "Texas is a different place, the tradition here, the history here, if you didn't grow up with our history and tradition and you don't know how special this place is, then you're one-of-five (choices for a player). I don't want us to be one-of-five. I want us to one-of-one or one-of-two. Maybe that's wrong, but I want guys that love it here, I want guys that are crying when they walk out of that tunnel. On senior day, I want all the moms and dad there. That's just the way I am and the way I feel. When they say we are one-of-five, then I say you’re (down to) one-of-four because I'm out. "

taken fromThe Link
So Mack is out on any recruit that doesn't understand the Texas experience even before a trip? I find that really hard to believe.
You nailed it Hornius. Remember, CU comes from a rich (wink) recruiting tradition where the game ain't over until the last stripper leaves the building and the party gets shut down by the police.

Having a kid commit without all of that must seem crazy.


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