I want to mudhole Mizzou

I think they will come in here in a situation similar to the time Tech came to Austin, and GAME DAY was here. But that afternoon, in the 60 minutes playing time on the field, it was all Burnt Orange.

Trust me. Both Missouri and Kansas will have very short-lived success at this high altitude. Very soon they will not need oxygen masks. Well, maybe on the sidelines and shortly after the game.

That which goes up, must come down. Unless you have a Burnt Orange Carpet to ride.
"Trust me. Both Missouri and Kansas will have very short-lived success at this high altitude. Very soon they will not need oxygen masks. Well, maybe on the sidelines and shortly after the game. "

KU is our rival and they blow goats so I will agree with you on that one. But in Missouri's case, I think MU's recruiting particularly in-state is something UT and the Big 12 South in general need to take notice of for the long term. Missouri is the only Big 12 North school with multiple major metropolitan areas to draw from (St.Louis and Kansas City) and its always been the case that if the Tigers could keep the majority of the top players from those areas to stay home, they would be a legit force. Well, it's finally starting to happen. Jeremy Maclin is from St.Louis; our sophomore running back Derrick Washington was a four star prospect from Kansas City; our freshman QB waiting in the wings to replace Daniel is a five star stud from St.Louis named Blaine Gabbert; our freshman tight end waiting in the wings to replace Chase Coffman is a stud tight end from Kansas City named Andrew Jones who got an offer from Oklahoma, and so on. Unlike schools like Iowa State or Nebraska or K-State that *have* to supplement heavily with out of state recruits, Mizzou is the lone North program that can grow its own and be able to compete with the Big 12 South. It's something to keep an eye on for sure. Now that said, MU will clearly take a step back next year with Chase Daniel and several other seniors gone, and the question will be whether it can keep its in-state recruiting momentum going when that happens. If it doesn't, and if St.Louis and Kansas City again become a free-for-all for various Big 12 and Big Ten programs as they've traditionally been, then MU probably would indeed slide back into mediocrity.
If it wasn't for their Texas talent, Missouri would be hard-pressed to win the Sun Belt Conference. Remind me again...how many championships does Mizzou have in football?
"If it wasn't for their Texas talent, Missouri would be hard-pressed to win the Sun Belt Conference. Remind me again...how many championships does Mizzou have in football? "

Better question is why was the Texas talent on Mizzou able complete the simple tasks of beating Kansas State and Texas A&M last year whereas the Texas talent on UT couldn't? Why was the Texas talent on Mizzou able to go 12-2 and be ranked #4 in the nation whereas the Texas talent on UT was six spots behind at #10? Seems to me that either UT is recruiting the wrong Texas talent, or maybe (gasp) those kids from high schools in St.Louis and Kansas City can play a little football as well. Either way, your argument isn't looking too good.
I don't recall bringing Arkansas into this. If you ask me, and feel free to do so, I'll gladly tell you, without hesitation, that Arkansas hasn't been relevant since the 1980's. Hell, I could be a Duke alum and season ticket holder, or the biggest supporter of Austin Community College flag football known to man, and it still would have nothing to do with my observation or opinions of your misguided arrogance.

While YOU, Stat, may not boast of consecutive 10 win seasons, I read this board everyday and hear it all the time. Hell, I wish my school would win 10 games for "x" consecutive seasons. But either Texas is beating inferior competition, or it might be time to give these schools credit.

Point being, it seems as though, and this is relevant to this thread, that Mizzou and some of the other mid tier Big 12 teams are taking a pretty hard knock for their recent success. Success that is greater than that of Texas or at least equal to.

Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know, Vince Young, 2005......
I don't know of any Mizzou fans who have acted in a way to elicit a response like the initial post in this thread. Every Mizzou fan I've talked to has said essentially the same things that the Mizzou fans on this thread were saying-- that they're simply delighted to have a football team that is fun to watch, and to have relevance and be mentioned in the national football talk. I don't think that's crowing in any way at all.

I guess it's possible that some in the media have said something to generate this type of response, but if so, I haven't really noticed it.

Outside of players on my team, Chase Daniel is my favorite college football player right now. Aside from playing against us, I wish Mizzou the best and hope they have great success.

Now, when they play against us, I want to stomp a mud-hole in them-- but I want to see us do that to EVERY opponent. It's certainly nothing personal.
History tells me that the fan base of an upcoming, directional opponent that won some bowl game last year, or of the flavor-of-the-month team being pimped by ESPN, will stumble upon this board, talk all witty and urbane with comparison smack, and will then disappear after we administer their ***-kicking. This year, we will have trolls of many shades, considering all the B12 teams ESPN is fellating. We will hear more mizzu smack, there will be kansas smack, and tech smack, and it will become quieter and quieter, as the season progresses. That is when you know your team is worth a ****. When fans of lesser programs hunt out your board to tell you how good their team is. Mizzu may beat us this year. In 3 years, mizzu will be fighting iowa state for that rich vein of kc talent, again. Show me a decade of decisive winning and maybe you'll see me on your boards. Show me.
Mizzou had a very nice year last year (Thank you Chase Daniel), and, barring more injuries than they've already had, should be salty this year. They may even be relevant in the north until Nebraska becomes NEBRASKA again. However, until they win a lot more than they lose, for a lot of years, Mizzou isn't some traditional power.

Being a Texas fan, I'd like for Missouri, and Kansas, and Colorado, and Nebraska to get and stay good awhile. The north, for most of the Big XII's existence, hasn't been nearly as strong as the south, and that's hurt the perception of the league when BCS time rolls around. Power in the SEC, for example, is spread more evenly between east and west divisions, and it needs to be spread evenly in the Big XII too.

Enjoy Mizzou's recent success, and if you make the trip to Austin, enjoy the game. Don't be surprised if Texas wins...they do a lot more than they don't when they play Mizzou...or, like someone else recently, you can say Texas is just another name...wanna bite on that one?
Don't get me wrong, I agree that an improving B12 N. is a good thing, and MU looks pretty good this year. I just don't need to hear about it from some smart *** who became a football authority about the same time his team started winning more than they lost.

In a better time for the B12 N., I would like to see NU and MU and CU all beating the **** out of their ooc schedules and giving the S. a run for their money. That's why the SEC is perceived as such a great conference. Nearly every game is epic and you can never be absolutely certain who will be standing when the dust clears.
Where the hell is any Mizzou fan saying we are a "traditional" power? Nobody is saying that because no one on their right mind would. And am I to surmise from some of the UT posts on this board that only a fan of a "traditional" power is allowed to "know anything about" or be an "expert" on football? LOL. Like Mack Brown has got all the UT posters on this board on speed dial because your knowledge of every single nuance of college football is unprecedented. Please. A team's 'tradition' has nothing to do with whether or not one of its fans is qualified to talk football on a freaking message board. I know fans of Notre Dame and Alabama who are complete morons despite their team's 'traditional' greatness, and I know fans of Texas State and Rice who can talk college football offenses and defenses with the best of them.

A word of advice to some of these UT posters: scrap the 'tradition' talk and just live in the now. A sure fire sign of an insecure, stumbling powerhouse in football is a fan base that keeps talking about "tradition" and calling the teams that equal or surpass it a "flash in the pan" and what not. We at Mizzou have been hearing that stuff from Nebraska fans for several years now each time we beat the crud out of them at home. And the farther Nebraska kept falling from grace, the louder the shouts of "Tradition!!!!" became. Don't start sounding like Nebraska, UT fans. You're better than that. You're still ultra-talented and still in the top ten. You are still a BCS and national title contender. You can be secure enough in yourselves to acknowledge the existence of other programs playing at a top ten level, even if they come from the measley little North. The mentality I see in a lot of these posts trickles down to the UT environment and sometimes even your players - that sense of entitlement was why you got waxed by 20 points on your home field last year by a second tier North team (KSU). Don't be that way again this year.
I didn't realize Mizzou has a divinity school...they must have, the way Mizzou fan is preaching to us on this board.
Why do some of the Horns on this thread seem so surprised and upset that Mizzou Fan showed up to defend an overt attack on his school?
As far as I can tell it was just friendly banter until whocares had to douche things up and thus mizzouaustinite ended up taking some of the backlash and things spiraled out of control there.
I find it odd that you're willing to disparage our pride in our history and recent success while touting what Mizzou did last season.

The most "now" talk we can have is about or our upcoming game. How do you think the teams match up? I'd be happy to talk about that.

Or we could just reminisce about the last time the two teams played each other...

I've just been trying to figure out what initiated the first few posts to begin with and the "I want to mudhole Mizzou because they're so uppity" discussion. There's not a single link in this whole thread to any source that demonstrates how Mizzou has become so high and mighty. Maybe they have and I just haven't heard it, but if so how about a link to it?

I certainly want to win all of our games including against Mizzou, but I'm not seeing the extra motivation some others are seeing right now. I'm sure Chase Daniels and some other Texans on the team will be highly motivated to beat us, but that's to be expected and something we see plenty of from various teams every year. Now if they beat us, I will develop a new motivation for our next meeting.
...actually, I've enjoyed my visits to Missouri, found the people up there to be just fine, and I've always kinda like Mizzou, though I have absolutely no idea why I do. Now...if they beat us down here, that's likely to change, but right now, I don't think of Mizzou like I do a serious rivalry, like zero u. They're just...on the schedule.
I agree with you, Vote for Pedro... I don't get where the anti-Mizzou sentiment is coming from. I don't think it represents the feelings of the average Texas fan.

Glad to see a Big 12 North team step it up. With the last 6-7 years of mediocrity in Lincoln and Boulder, God knows this conference needs a stronger North.

I got nothing bad to say about Mizzou. Hope they stay healthy and win a bunch of games. I also hope we kick their *** when they come to Austin.

And whocares, YOU talk about Vince and 2005 more than the rest of this board combined. Honest question for you: If we're so damned irrelevant, as you claim, why are you here?

Congrats on your dramatic, come-from behind win over Louisiana Monroe.
I for one am thrilled that MU, CU & NU are looking like they could be legitimate powers again. It boosts our SOS, and improves our chances of backing into the Big 12 Title Game after our annual loss to OU.
Hate to say it, but I kinda get the "annual loss" statement...losing even one in a row to the dirt burglars makes it seem like a decade's worth of losses.
I don't have a problem with Missou. They've got a lot of good fans. However, like all other schools, they also have their share of penis envy fans.
"As far as I can tell it was just friendly banter until whocares had to douche things up and thus mizzouaustinite ended up taking some of the backlash and things spiraled out of control there. "

Thanks vtaenz. And yeah, I don' t think a lot of the people here are realizing that the poster named whocares is *not* a Mizzou fan. I'm not sure what he is (think some one said he's an Arky fan...go figure) but I do appear to be the only actual Missouri fan in this thread. I agree with most of the later comments here that MU-UT is not a mean spirited game in the least and both sides should just be looking forward to an enjoyable game. And I'm down with good natured smack talk but of course I will also defend my team from people taking unwarranted shots at it also. When you come at me out of left field with "Mizzou couldn't win the Sun Belt without its Texas talent" well yeah you're gonna get a reply out of me on that one. Duh.