What you are seeing is RECORD turnouts for the Dems, and solid turnouts for the GOP. I posted this same theory quite a while back . For me it's a two pronged problem for the GOP. 1st is the likely candidate, McCain. How is McCain going to unify the GOP the way Bush did? Will there be a slew of Gay hate legislative propositions on the ballot to bring out the Huckabee voters around the country? Will McCain ever grab the hearts and minds of the Evangelicals? Does he pick Hucakbee as a running mate to try and secure this important GOP Demographic? I think if he tries to secure the Evangelicals with this political move he will lose a lot of his potential independent appeal.
I agree that Obama has the greater potential for a devestating vicotry for the Dems in that he has awakened something in this country that no politician has awakened in a long time. I think that Hillary is probably honestly the better prepared to deal with our countries problems, but that Obama can perhaps unite us all with a vision. Whether the vision lasts through the inevitable Bush cleanup program that is going to dominate the first few years of whoever is the next President remains to be seen.
Seeing the turnout numbers is a snapshot, and using old primary figures as evidence of anything when looking at these primary numbers is somewhat silly to me as we have not had this closely contested a primary season in a long time. What the figures show me is that there are a LOT of folks motivated on the Democratic side, and not so many on the GOP side.
I think McCain is going to have a VERY difficult time with his 100 years in Iraq statement in the General. mcCain is a good man, but the very qualities that make me like him are the same qualities that make social conservatives cringe. I just don't see how McCain can cobble together a united front from the currently fractured GOP camps AND bring in enough independents. IMO he's caught between a rock and a hard place. HOWEVER his refusal to deal with Rush and Dobson may ultimately work in his favor if those socail conservative leaders reverse course and embrace McCain. However at that point do the indepents start questioning thier thinking?
If it's Obama- McCain it's going to be a slaughter. The difference between young and old, past and future will be too stark for McCain to overcome IMO. Hillary is about the only hope the GOP has right now. Obama's fundraising is going to be mond boggling if he gets the nomination.