I don't want to hear

It used to be a major tenant of good defense was never leave your feet. We apparently don't teach that anymore.
Another major tenet used to be actually wrapping up the ball carrier and taking them to the ground. Apparently NOW, the preferred method of teaching is that you can just hit them with your shoulder and no wrap is required...after all, we see that method FAR too often, especially from the Texas secondary.
Was listening to some guys deconstruct that last touchdown, and it was pretty depressing/frustrating...

- Calling a corner blitz from a guy lined up on the far sideline about six yards deep, with no hope of getting to a QB that's been throwing the ball inside of 3 seconds all game long. Zero change of helping. (Although his chances might have been better except that....)
- Omenihu trying to get to the other side of the line for some reason at the snap, has no impact on the play, doesn't even occupy the left tackle, which would have at least given the blitzing corner some faint glimmer of hope. Instead the guy has nothing to do but sit there and wait for the blitzer to show up and then maul him.
- Wheeler for some weird reason is spying the QB or waiting for a draw or something. There are 20 seconds to play. They're not running the ball.
- While Omenihu's moving over, the ball is snapped and the other DE (Graham?) looks like he wants to stunt, but can't get past Omenihu and basically hovers there with no one touching him for a second or two before trying to mount a pass rush.
- Against a max protection set with three receivers in the rout, we have two safeties lined up 10 yards from the line of scrimmage. I don't know when Sterns stopped back-peddling and started running, all I know is it was way too late.

Babers made the point that essentially, you just played this down with eight defenders.
….and both of our guys were several yards from him....
No they weren't.

Honestly, the coverage wasn't all that bad. Their guy had, at most, half a step on us, and was running out of space in the endzone. The TD required a perfect pass from the QB plus needed the receiver to manage to get a foot down inbounds with the right-timing. If that pass is 1 yard shorter than it was (which is still a pretty accurate throw), it's incomplete. If the pass is thrown 1 yard deeper, it's caught out of bounds.

Yeah we could have played it better, but all things considered, that's not a bad position to put an offense in. Losing by 1 to a really good team wouldn't bother me so much if we had beaten a really mediocre Oklahoma State team the week before.