"I am part of the resistance..."

Deez, I couldn't agree MORE. Federalism is one of the greatest things about our political system. Even better would be Confederalism. Either way decentralization is the way to freedom, peace, and prosperity.
I think Paul is correct that Trump COULD use lie detector tests. The federal law against polygraphs on the job exempts federal government employees. He's a big critic of the "deep state," so I understand why he favors it. I think he's wrong that it would be justified. Just because it might be legal doesn't mean it would be right.

In the interest of transparency, I would like to watch the lie detector results live and in real time when each one is asked if they believe POTUS is fit to hold the office.
In the interest of transparency, I would like to watch the lie detector results live and in real time when each one is asked if they believe POTUS is fit to hold the office.
Sure, let’s also ask them if they thought Obama was competent to be president.
In the interest of transparency, I would like to watch the lie detector results live and in real time when each one is asked if they believe POTUS is fit to hold the office.
The voters already decided that issue.

I do believe the last Presidential election is a great example of Libs v Conservatives in more ways than one. Trump had to battle 15 or so other Republican hopefuls in a brutal competition to win the nomination. The Democrats engaged in their typical modus operandi of lies, fraud and other chicanery by "giving" the nomination to Hillary at the expense of Bernie and every other hopeful Dem. When the general election was underway, Trump had been in "work your *** off" mode for more than a year and kept rolling. Hillary, well, she just could not keep up and took things for granted without putting in the requisite effort. A good example of merit based performance vs being anointed or awarded a position based on seniority. It's capitalism vs socialism, and the best system won again.
State Board of Education to consider dropping ‘heroic’ part of Alamo teaching

^ first they came for the Confederate Statues, now they want people to forget the Alamo. Thanks @Mr. Deez and Nikki Haley #Complicit

Did you just lose in court and feel the need to start some static with somebody about something? You've tagged me twice on this same issue on this thread, and this issue isn't even germane to the thread. I've made my point on this many times. You can support the Alamo and oppose the Confederate flag. It is intellectually possible. In fact, it's not even very hard to reconcile those positions.
Did you just lose in court and feel the need to start some static with somebody about something?

Ha! No, it just floors me you could write an entire perfect diatribe on states rights federalism that we are in complete intellectual agreement on, then be against the symbols that stand for it and support the efforts of those trying to destroy such symbols of states rights federalism. You are buying the baloney and rejecting the symbols of those that shared the same values on governmental structure. I am trying to make you see the light!

You cannot be in 100% agreement with Confederate philosophy on government, then be anti-confederate stuff just because they picked the wrong issue to take their state’s rights stand on.
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Ha! No, it just floors me you could write an entire perfect diatribe on states rights federalism that we are in complete intellectual agreement on, then be against the symbols that stand for it and support the efforts of those trying to destroy such symbols of states rights federalism. You are buying the baloney and rejecting the symbols of those that shared the same values on governmental structure. I am trying to make you see the light!

You cannot be in 100% agreement with Confederate philosophy on government, then be anti-confederate stuff just because the picked the wrong issue to take their state’s rights stand on.

Actually, you can support states rights and for pragmatic reasons oppose symbols that mean different things to different people.
Actually, you can support states rights and for pragmatic reasons oppose symbols that mean different things to different people.

That’s fair. I will stop giving you a hard time, especially since we pretty much agree on general philosophy of governmental structure.
McRaven? (My money is on a NY Times ghost writer or Pence if an insider actually penned it).
Pentagon’s former assassin-in-chief, Admiral McRaven resigns
Admiral William H. McRaven has handed in his resignation from the Advisory Council of Innovation to the Defence Secretary.

It was the US Defense Secretary, Ash Carter, that set up this council in 1996. The motive was to pull the best talent in Silicon Valley’s innovation industries. The Council brings together those with expertise in the intricacies of the Internet and high rank military officials.

Admiral McRaven entered into a head-on conflict with President Trump when Trump withdrew the former CIA Director’s, John Brennan’s, Secret Defence Security Clearance. To express his solidarity with Brennan, McRaven published an article requesting that he too be deprived of his security clearance. The Washington Post published this text [1] on the same day that former senior Intelligence officials also published a text supporting Brennan [2].

After an anonymous article was published in the New York Times [3], this time attributed to a high ranking official in the White House, McRaven was invited to hand in his resignation from the Council that he was sitting on.

Admiral McRaven achieved fame as the leader of Operation, Neptune’s Spear. It is asserted that he assassinated Osama Bin Laden in his dwellings in Abbottabad, Pakistan. This operation had been set up by President Barack Obama and was robustly challenged by Pakistan on two grounds. First, because it was executed in violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and second, because Osama Bin Laden was not living in Abbottabada, but had died in Afghanistan in 2001. Admiral McRaven had then led the Special Forces (US SoCom). In this regard, he had been heard by the Congress and proudly revealed his practice of political assassinations in 78 countries in the world. President Obama had tasked McRaven with establishing a network with Allied Special Forces in order to be able to assassinate anyone, wherever they might be in the world, in less than 48 hours [4].

John O. Brennan enjoyed a long career at the CIA and worked his way up to the top of the organization (2013-17). He added much muscle to the Agency’s Drone Assassination Programme, working closely with Admiral McRaven to achieve this. In contrast, he clashed with General Michael T. Flynn, Head of Military Intelligence. Once Flynn became the top adviser of National Security of President Trump, he immediately had Brennan removed and tried to reorganize the CIA around its missions of gathering human intelligence, steering it away from liquidating its enemies. Wasting no time, Brennan led the political fight against Flynn and Trump, accusing them of being Russian agents. His secret-defence accreditation was revoked on 15 August 2018.

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