

Burger Tex has very good burgers, but Hut's and Fran's/Dan's beats Whataburger
any day. Shakes are great at Hut's, onion rings are ok, but fries aren't very good.
Try the fries at Hyde Park Bar and Grill.
Hut's is OK, burgers on par with DQ. But - Whataburger RULES!!! Move out of state for a while and be subjected to imitation fast food bugers. None can compare to Whatabuger, all the way with mayo and jalapenos...
G/M burgers where absolutley the best ever made. It is a crime they don't exist anymore. Somewhere, I've still got a t-shirt from them.
FloridaHorn hit the nail on the head. The best burger in the city, bar NONE (whataburger included) can be found at any of the public golf courses. Hot, fresh fixins, real meat from the refridgerator, not the freezer, made fresh before your eyes. You should honestly just drop by MoWilly one afternoon for a burger and a lesson - unbeatable combo!

And the second best burger in the city is mine. Homemade. Which prompts me to another post ... to be continued.
BigLeonard, you have to be kidding about Sandy's or you have no taste buds. Why go to Sandy's when Frans is just down the road on S Congress?
Sandy's is that place right at Congress and Barton Springs, right? That place sucks. It is right next to Whataburger, and I swear to freaking God they just buy Whataburger's old patties and sell them cheaper. Whenever I went there it just tasted like old or reheated Whataburger.
