How you like Ehlinger now?

I wish I could agree with this, but the truth is we likely don't have any good options at QB. I can't judge Shane because he hasn't played this year, but the fact that the coaches hare keeping him on the bench tells me he was soundly beaten out by Sam, or there is something else happening behind the scenes we don't know about. Either way, I think we are going to live or die with Sam this season.
Remember that Shane had groin surgery at the end last season.
Herman even mentioned that Sam would get the first snap of Spring game due to Shane's recovery and Sam spending more time with the ones.
I'm sure Sam continued to get more time over the summer.
By end of summer/fall camp, Herman was saying there was no seperation between the two.
I think he went with Sam's size, alpha personality and time spent with ones.

This season Herman appears to be going with continuity where as last year seemed like a season long training camp.
Last season QBs, RBs and WRs were shuffled in and out with no apparent rhyme or reason.
This season you see the same players in down after down.
They are able to develop a rhythm during the game.
You will see Shane in garbage time or due to injury and that is it.
But I don't think there's any big mystery behind it.
Sheeet, Sam is this best thing to hit this campus at QB since Colt. He plays wide open and sometimes over plays and throws an interception, but that's football. I think he is improving rapidly. He is scanning the field like a Senior and distributing the ball to all the weapons. He is even making Beck look great this year. All these WR's look way better than a year ago. Ehilnger may be part of the reason. Sam gives 101% of his body ( which is motivating for a team)and is pretty darn accurate if you remove the drops.
Regarding Buechele, I recall he wouldn't throw the ball unless there was great separation from these amazing receivers. Unfortunately that got him sacked by TCU last year 8 times.
Ehilnger has a bit of gunslinger in him, can run, tough, and expects to win, and is typical of all the great QB's here. If all 22 do their jobs we will not have to play from behind very often.
I expect he will have an off day this season, just like Mayfield got smoked by I -State last year, but that's football from 19 year olds.
There is a stat comparison going on another site of Ehlinger vs Colt 2007, Thru game 4-(before Colt's meltdown in Manhattan). And yes, SE had a tougher schedule.
Ehilnger: 8 TD and 2 Int. 127 yds rushing- 3 TD's. 143 QB rtg.
Colt: 7 TD and 5 Int. 85 yds rushing -0 TD's . 141 QB rtg
I've noticed at games many fans see a guy open and go oh no how could he not see it, but forget to noticed the pocket collapsed, or the QB had to scramble or move to avoid a blitz.
I've noticed at games many fans see a guy open and go oh no how could he not see it, but forget to noticed the pocket collapsed, or the QB had to scramble or move to avoid a blitz.

Tell the people on that other site, I hope their ******** statistics get them more subscribers from people looking to feel good about their favorite. Where in their stats are the missed open receivers, the inability to read the defense at the line, or the missed mismatches? Colt's gad taught him to read a defense. Todd Dodge taught Sam to read a defense, a quality that apparently got lost crossing the Colorado River.

CLUE: We ain't got or gonna have Akers' OL from 83, with five guys benching 500+ pounds. The OL may not be all we want it to be, but at some point someone has to take the blame for staring down the receivers, no back shoulder throws for 16 games, no fades with 6'6" and 6'4" WRs, and grossly off target throws and under-thrown passes.

Correcting these items is the coaches' jobs, and they have failed - failed Sam, failed Shane, failed Rising, failed Thompson, failed the team, failed the fans. It's time to drop the ego and earn the $5 million.
All these WR's look way better than a year ago. Ehilnger may be part of the reason.
You know why they look way better? Sam is a inaccurate passer and these guys have to make a spectacular play just to catch the ball. 1 out of every 5 passes is accurate the rest are terrible passes where the receiver has to do something amazing just to catch the ball. If he can improve his accuracy just a bit, he will be a great player for us. I haven't given up on him, because I saw Vince Young go from a very bad passer to an amazing passer between year 3 and 4 in the program and I know Sam can also do it.

Ehilnger has a bit of gunslinger in him, can run, tough, and expects to win, and is typical of all the great QB's here.

This is his best attribute, he is a gamer and a leader in the locker room. It is also his worst attribute in that he tries to do too much when Texas is behind and it gets him in serious trouble.

CLUE: We ain't got or gonna have Akers' OL from 83, with five guys benching 500+ pounds. The OL may not be all we want it to be, but at some point someone has to take the blame for staring down the receivers, no back shoulder throws for 16 games, no fades with 6'6" and 6'4" WRs, and grossly off target throws and under-thrown passes.

Correcting these items is the coaches' jobs, and they have failed - failed Sam, failed Shane, failed Rising, failed Thompson, failed the team, failed the fans. It's time to drop the ego and earn the $5 million.

Those linemen from the Akers and McWilliams years were some serious steroid taking MoFos. I remember more than once some of those guys getting a serious case or roid rage. Does the name Shane Dronett ring a bell. That was one mean dude, and a lot of it had to do with the roids.

As for being an accurate passer, It's the coaches job to instruct him but some guys just don't have it in them, I don't know if this is Sam or not, but you can't say anyone has failed when we haven't seen what any of those guys have done yet. All we know is Sam is not an accurate passer. Like I said before, it took Vince 4 years in the program to start to learn to throw, and if his attitude would have been better maybe he could have taken coaching enough to improve on his passing in the NFL. We will never know.

Remember this Learning is part instruction, part comprehension and part dedication. Two of those three come from the student, only one comes from the teacher.
Shane was raging when he came across the Rainbow Bridge. I know he was diagnosed with CTE (yelladawg, feel free to chime in), but have no proof he ever used roids.

I would have to defer you to Spanky for that information, because I ain't speaking to that son of a *****.
I don't think Adam Schreiber, Brian Millard, Mike Ruether, Gene Chilton or Doug Dawson were using, Normally users lose definition and size (see retired baseball players) after stopping, and all those guys remained the same size.

Yes, we had users, and I know where many got their stuff, I dispute your assertion that it was widespread under Fred. As for David, his lineman weren't exactly setting the world on fire anyway.
I'm truly sorry you have not been able to attend a game this year, but sincerely hope you make one of the games before the season is over.
I appreciate the clever sarcasm—and I’m not being sarcastic!

I do go to the home games, and I did just watch a recording of the TCU game , and it does give a different impression. I agree that Sam isn’t a classic NFL style scan-the-field QB, but what is more obvious in person (where I can see all 22 players) than on TV is the relative pacing of how fast the pocket is breaking down to how fast the receivers are getting into and out of their routes. It’s usually a very short tick-tock that Sam has to do something, and most of the time a blocking breakdown is eliminating his considering half the field.

I think Shane would be taking a lot of sacks and getting balls batted under the same conditions that, instead, Sam is throwing an inaccurate but often catchable pass.

My reply was directed to Clean, who could not possibly have posted the quoted message if he had been to either home game, or else he knows little about QBs. Even my 10 year old grandson makes statements about:

1) staring down receivers

2) never looking off defenders

3) no back shoulder throws with two very large, very talented WRs

4) enability to recognize coverages at the line of scrimmage

5) enability to exploit mismatches

These are not criticisms of Sam, but rather his lack of coaching
Shane was raging when he came across the Rainbow Bridge. I know he was diagnosed with CTE (yelladawg, feel free to chime in), but have no proof he ever used roids.

I would have to defer you to Spanky for that information, because I ain't speaking to that son of a *****.
I don't think Adam Schreiber, Brian Millard, Mike Ruether, Gene Chilton or Doug Dawson were using, Normally users lose definition and size (see retired baseball players) after stopping, and all those guys remained the same size.

Yes, we had users, and I know where many got their stuff, I dispute your assertion that it was widespread under Fred. As for David, his lineman weren't exactly setting the world on fire anyway.
I don't know about guys from the early 80's, my comments were about guys from the late 80's early 90's.

My reply was directed to Clean, who could not possibly have posted the quoted message if he had been to either home game, or else he knows little about QBs. Even my 10 year old grandson makes statements about:

1) staring down receivers

2) never looking off defenders

3) no back shoulder throws with two very large, very talented WRs

4) enability to recognize coverages at the line of scrimmage

5) enability to exploit mismatches

These are not criticisms of Sam, but rather his lack of coaching
My eyes are still a little bleary this morning and I read that Sam wasn’t exploiting mustaches.
I know you know a lot about football. As I said to someone last year. Lighten up Francis. We're 3-1, Sam is 19, he's learning. Coach Herman is only 43, for a coach in his position that's young, he is learning. I see vast improvement at QB, Defense, ST, QB game management, and yes head coach game management. I am coming from the standpoint of an overachiever that always tried to do more than I really could. I take steps forward and backward. Same thing for SE and TH. The effort is there and the mistakes keep diminishing. We're 4 games in. Hence, the 1-0 this week mantra. They do that today, we're 4-1.

My assessment of SE is he does the most he can with the Talent God gave him. He needs more time.
I enjoy all you guys, so I'm not bashing anyone when I say this....When I, in passing, see this thread is still going I just don't get why.
This thread should be waaay down the forum right now imho.

He has zero accuracy. We may be winning but not because hes playing well....stats be damned. 6.8 yards per completion and almost all of those completions at or behind the line of scrimmage. I'd bet 80% of the yardage is being made after the catch.
Sabre ha you are drunk -you can't even see Clean from Creek... I don't know what you are doing at the game ,go back to the brown water. You might realize Sam just completed a clutch 3rd and 11 with the game on the line.
Vol horn you post like your Vols play
4-1 dorks
I love how we're going TTT with this thread every other week or so. Inconsistency is Sam's biggest issue. Unfortunately, we don't have anyone on the roster who can rein it in.
Sabre ha you are drunk -you can't even see Clean from Creek... I don't know what you are doing at the game ,go back to the brown water. You might realize Sam just completed a clutch 3rd and 11 with the game on the line.
Vol horn you post like your Vols play
4-1 dorks

Can you argue anything I posted? Any QB in the country could complete the 5 yd sideways passes he did. I'd say only 50% of D1 starters could miss wide open receivers like he did with not much pressure today. He's average at best today. Maybe next week he'll be the hero. I sure hope so.
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I think the horns are the only team in America that will refuse to ever give the backup an opportunity to perform until of course it is too late. But, I am still rooting for Sam and the Horns just the same.
Biggest problem for Sam today was the miss on the 1st drive for an easy TD. When the receiver is 5 yds past the defender, you can't throw it at his feet. You just can't. Best play was the QB run up the gut to clinch the victory. He also made some nice throws in the seam to LJH and I liked the check downs to Ingram when there wasn't anything there.
Best part of today was watching Ingram. We have the next great back at Texas. He has that it factor to make guys miss at the LOS which we haven't had since Charles. Gray and Brown were decent power runners, but neither could make that quick cut in the hole and get to daylight,
Biggest problem for Sam today was the miss on the 1st drive for an easy TD. When the receiver is 5 yds past the defender, you can't throw it at his feet. You just can't. Best play was the QB run up the gut to clinch the victory. He also made some nice throws in the seam to LJH and I liked the check downs to Ingram when there wasn't anything there.
Best part of today was watching Ingram. We have the next great back at Texas. He has that it factor to make guys miss at the LOS which we haven't had since Charles. Gray and Brown were decent power runners, but neither could make that quick cut in the hole and get to daylight,
Great post!
Sam did not play well today overall, and remains our biggest offensive weakness. That said, @Statalyzer makes a good point that our play calling is not good whether it is from Beck or someone else. I am more and more convinced Herman's offense at U of H was 75% or more Applewhite. What Herman needs to do is bring in a solid play caller.
Sheeet, Sam is this best thing to hit this campus at QB since Colt. He plays wide open and sometimes over plays and throws an interception, but that's football. I think he is improving rapidly. He is scanning the field like a Senior and distributing the ball to all the weapons. He is even making Beck look great this year. All these WR's look way better than a year ago. Ehilnger may be part of the reason. Sam gives 101% of his body ( which is motivating for a team)and is pretty darn accurate if you remove the drops.
Regarding Buechele, I recall he wouldn't throw the ball unless there was great separation from these amazing receivers. Unfortunately that got him sacked by TCU last year 8 times.
Ehilnger has a bit of gunslinger in him, can run, tough, and expects to win, and is typical of all the great QB's here. If all 22 do their jobs we will not have to play from behind very often.
I expect he will have an off day this season, just like Mayfield got smoked by I -State last year, but that's football from 19 year olds.
I agree with most this. He is getting better and is inaccurate balls are not as awful as when he would throw it 10 feet over a jumping receiver and have it intercepted. That said, he is not very accurate. That sideline pass on third down that he threw way left is an example. That was only 10-12 yards downfield and he missed target by 5 feet wide and made in uncatchable at a time when we really needed a first down. An accurate QB regularly will be within a 2-3 foot strike zone on short range passes. He is doing better on the easy stuff like swing passes and dump offs. His leadership is a plus and he physical play is likewise. So he is our best option right now and I would not agitate for a change unless he reverts to blunders and turnovers. I doubt he can win a championship though without big improvement in accuracy.