How would you rank these?

Why not actually look at the sequence of e-mails?

This is the dumbest "scandal" ever invented.

Setting aside that the initial assessment about the origins of the protest were actually correct, what Susan Rice said tracked the CIA talking points and the reference to al Qaeda was removed by the CIA.

You Faux News guys just love being lied to again and again and again.

The Link

Now wallow in some pig ****.
Only an idiot could attack someone with the MSNBC "faux" news tag then link to ultra liberal Slate. It is a shame you cannot think or survive on your own. I guess that is what government is for though in your world?
How many lies has Faux News told about Benghazi?

Stand down?

Ignore threats?

Cover up?

No link to anti-Muslim video?

Americans left to die?

I have seriously lost count of all the disgusting lies told by the Right on this. This latest one is just one more example of how you guys keep wallowing up to the trough for Faux News.

Look at the sequence of actual e-mails and who generated them and then apologize to the President.
Fox News is not the President of the United States and leader of the free world. The administration is caught in yet another lie - even the liberal press was taken back by Jay Carney's performance.

Really, try to get some information from sources other than MSNBC, Huff Post etc.

So, in order to dispute Slate, you use ------ and an article that is a year old at that?

Do you have any comment on the actual sequence of emails?
Not linking right, try this straight from youtube:
The Link

The email sequence at this point is irrelevant. They did not produce the emails at first, then they edited them and, apparently, they still have not released everything.

It was clearly a political cover up to protect the president before the election. Only the blindest of sheep believes they did not openly lie about it and still have done nothing to bring justice to the situation or families of US citizens and ambassador Stevens.

You guys keep the faith though otherwise the checks might stop coming..
One of the disconnects has always been that the WH said over and over and by many people including BO Hillary and Rice that the attack on Benghazi was in protest to the internet video.
I am sure you don't dispute that.

You seem wee wee'd up that it has been reported by Fox and others that the CIA did not attribute the Benghazi attack to a protest there that went awry.

Even in the timeline you provided from Slate no where does the CIA report there was a protest at the Benghazi compound
.And before the CIA talking points get sent to the WH the CIA counsels backs off even the claim that protests elsewhere were involved.

In fact the CIA station chief in Libya reports to his superiors there was NO pre protest at Benghazi before the attack.

BO etc chose to ignore all that
Now they are being exposed.

Funny You admonish someone for using a Townhall link to refute a Slate link.

I am sure you will now call me a moron. That is what you always do.
This is the first line of the first draft from the CIA:

"We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex."

You can follow it through the sequence. This line is both true and not political spin (unless the CIA was internally spinning it which seems pretty silly).
And how do I know this is true?

I know it because both a bi-partisan Senate investigation found that this was true and an extensive months long investigation by the NY Times on the ground in Benghazi found that it was true.

I have read them. have you?

where in the Time article reporting on the CIA emails does the email say the attack was a protest at the Benghazi compound?

and thanks for posting the Time link instead of Slate. The actual emails posted in the Time article don't help the WH's repeated story at all

Maybe I am missing that point. and if you would be so kind as to post it here I would appreciate it.
Are you really this dense?

What were the protests in Cairo about?

Jesus ******* Christ this is a waste of my time.

You have zero comprehension skills.

The Cairo protests were about the video and they led to the Benghazi protests.
It is a waste of time if you truly believe those emails confirm that the attack on Benghazi was a spontaneous reaction to a video. You are the most gullible person on West Mall.
so they were planned by bin Laden himself from the grave?


the possibility of violent Muslim protests in response to a video is just impossibly remote?

It was all about the the presidents reelection. AL quiada was on the run. The worst part was not trying to send help to a battle that lasted 7 hours. Those guys were true heroes and we abandoned them. Shameful
The whole point is that the man is being exposed as a liar and we get a link to his speech to prove how successful is war on terrorism is?

Too funny. You sheep better stay away from College Station.

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