How good is DJ Jones

The Legend#4

25+ Posts
Has anyone watched DJ Jones this year? My buddy graduated from Sulphur Spings and is going to watch them play DJ's team this weekend. Any information on him is appreciated.
He ran for 432-yards and eight-touchdown performance in a 65-64 shootout victory over McKinney a couple of weeks ago. He was the National Player of the Week when he did that.
When he clears the defense's front line Denison fans are holding their arms up for the TD signal and are right 99% of the time.

He is the total player. He not only runs very well, he can catch the ball and has very good blocking skills.

If Sulphur Springs decides to key on DJ all night, it will open the door for Jordan Taylor, Cody Reeves, and several more speedsters on offense to run through a huge hole on the other side. Denison has a fast team on offense and defense. The fastest players on the team are on defense.
I watched him in the Sherman-Denison game. He was powerful, his speed appeared deceiving, but not spectacular. Sherman's rb is signed with TCU, but DJ stole the show in the game. He looked real good.

He was an upback on the kickoffs, and on they kicked it to him for some odd reason and he ran over around and past guys over 60 yards. Fun to watch.

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