How come Republican leaders don't denounce Rush?


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It's one thing to disagree about the issue of whether birth control should be covered by insurance...but the total lack of respect and the poisonous hatred he is showing towards females in general and the Georgetown Law Student specifically is atrocious.

Why hasn't Boehner or Romney or McConnell denounced this hatred? By not coming out against their right wing mouthpiece they are, by their silence, agreeing to it. Not only bad manners, but bad politics.

Rush may know a little something about sluttery:

In 2006, Limbaugh was detained by United States Customs officers after returning from the Dominican Republic with Viagra in his possession. The prescription wasn't written in Limbaugh's name, so the authorities suspected unlawful possession of a controlled substance. Moreover, a simple google search of the terms "adult travel" (NSFW) reveals that the Dominican Republic has earned an outsized reputation as one of the world's hottest destinations for sex tourists.

He had 29 100mg. pills for a two day trip. You go Rush!
Really? Have you heard the hateful **** the MSNBC wackos spew on a nightly basis?

Hell, forget that. Have you heard the disgusting **** the Dem politicians spew themselves?

Talk about glass houses.
26 states have birth control covered 100%. My bride of 37 years has taken the pill all these years - first as birth control and now as hormone replacement. And insurance has covered it the entire time. Healthcare cost is lower because of the "cost prevention" this covers.

Boys, you're beating your head against a wall that you know you don't support.


I call ******** on your posts. Show a LEGIT link quoting / showing her saying how often and how much "she" pays for gummies.

How come this (b/c coverage) wasn't an issue at all during the previous presidency when it was a law in 26 states, many if not most of which were legislated and governed by R's?

Oh yeah.....that scary "Obamacare." ROFL

To answer your question, Horn69, it's because the elected R's are gutless cowards who will never go against the radio buffoon who helps keep them in office w/ his hate-fiiled rants and continous lies. "That's entertainment."
She testified that contraception would cost her 3,000 dollars during her law school career. I guess she thinks that somebody else should pay for that.

But it was apparent to me as early as the early 1990's that Rush is a misogynist and has problems with women. His "slut" comment was completely unacceptable.
I would have preferred "freeloader", myself.

You have a woman going to Georgetown law school, and she's spending $3,000 a year on contraceptives - and her solution is that this is somehow unfair and that I should pay so that she doesn't have to go without every other weekend or so.

It's not my problem, I couldn't care less what her sexual needs are and I have no obligation to see that she gets to satisfy them whenever she wants.
He's a talking head that generates listenership based on being outrageous. Whether it is right or wrong, there are copious examples of this type of dialogue on both sides. Hell, look at the stuff spewed about Sarah Palin. To get this upset over one word - given everything going on in the world right now - is a tad silly.
Liberals, what a joke, you guys are so funny!!!!

All the things you have said about Palin, Bachmann, O'Donnell and now you are getting upset that somebody did the math to what was said.........

The llink you asked for can be found at google, plenty is there for you to look it up yourself.
Last night Jay Leno said that Rick Santorum was so conservative that he would not shop at Dick's Sporting Goods.

I hereby call on Democrat Leaders to denounce Jay Leno.

"You do know that whatever a woman spends on birth control pills doesn't indicate how frequently she is having sex, right"

good point, a birth control pill must be taken a certain number of days each month to be effective, where the person has sex or not

this student said she will spend $3,000 during her lawschool days, which is generally 3 years.
BC pills cost average $15-$20 a month OR she could go to one of the close to Georgetown Planned parenthoods and get them free or as cheap as $5.00 a month

so do the math
use even $25.. a month for 36 months
how much is that?$900.00
if she will spend 3k she can't be talking about BC pills
so is it condoms?

you have to admit that is a lot of condoms.

She invited herself to be ridiculed by her stupid testimony
BTW how many shows has Bill Mahr done now? Shouldn't the DMC be offering an denouncement a week?

Seriously, this is the stuff conservatives live with every slngle day. Did he go over the line? Sure, but that's what he does, just like all the liberal radio guys talking about wanting to see Dick Cheney get AIDS and die, or fantasizing about Bush being assassinated, or spreading malicious rumors about Sara Palin's grandkid.

When you guys hear stuff like that coming from Rush, let me know and I'll gladly denounce it. But this is amateur hour.

Your whole argument is BS. Condoms and birth control have the same outcome when it comes to prevent birth control and condoms help with preventing STDs whereas birth control don't. So if she can't afford birth control pills then she needs to do what anybody else does that can't afford something, which is look for other options. Condoms only cost around 50 cents or she can get free ones at health clinics. She has no right to be on birth control pills at our expense. You can say it's on the insurance but if you really think that the cost isn't passed on the us then you are out of your mind.

She's an idiot and anybody that tries to defend her stance is right there with her. As far as Rush is concerned, can someone give me a direct quote of what he said that was so offensive? I want to hear his words, not yours.

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