How come Fox News...


I see Horn 69 is back posting. will he/she have the character to post in his own post and admit he was wrong?
we know R35 won't.
They will claim that they are not broadcasting and some people will believe it, just keep the lie up and eventually the masses will believe it, liberal logic.
Well imagine that!
Fox News did broadcast BO's talk last night.
Just like they have all his live teleprompter readings including the 2 the bozos said were not shown.

I wonder if H69 or R35 know that?
Or when one of them will post that Fox did not show the latest teleprompter reading.
Nah, they'll just talk about how after the broadcast it was unfair how they bashed him then unfairly shut down comments on their website because they didn't want the truth to come out.
I got home late last night and went looking for a re-broadcast of the speech and found it on Foxnews. I haven't watched Foxnews since the last Presidential election cycle. After watching the commentary (The Kelly Files?) after the speech I'm not at all surprised by immense divide between the right/left. I don't know what I was expecting but it was truly bizarro world. When Britt Hume stated that Bush handed Iraq over to Obama in tremendous shape I had to turn the channel. Obama is certainly not blameless but any intimation that Iraq was every in "tremendous" shape flies directly in the face of reality.

It was clear the panelists went into the speech with their minds made up. This was verified when the Colbert Report had a clip of a FoxNews reporter earlier in the day predicting what Obama would say and the reaction. Of course, it was very negative too. I'd charge that FoxNews had their talking points written before the speech was given. They topped it off with an incoherent Ted Cruz interview in which he painfully tried to tie every Obama criticism directly to Hillary Clinton. To Kelly's defense, she called him on the Clinton tie BS, briefly.
Let me think the coverage was balanced or do you simply enjoy purportedly unbiased media acting as "hometeam" announcers?

I haven't watched MSNBC for even longer for the same reasons. The cheerleading to one side is not only annoying but dangerous, IMHO.
I didn't even watch it so I can't speak to that, but the comments here were very easy to predict. It's almost like I have ESPN or somethin'!
Horn6721- I missed the original broadcast. I looked at the channel guide and based on the show tittles the "Kelly Report" seemed more likely to be showing it than "Greed in America" (MSNBC) and some other show on CNN. FoxNews was the first one I tried. The other channels may have been replaying the speech over the top of those shows. I have no idea. I watched FoxNews for ~30 minutes then hit the DVR for a new Frontline episode on Ebola/Boko Haram.
I understand. It just surprised me you'd go to a network you know has a different view than you do.
I made the mistake of watching the public network coverage and their analysis was predictable fawning and lame. One of the talking heads agreed with BO that ISIS is not Islamic. They generally agreed it was a powerful speech and would send a powerful message.
BTW None of the major networks gave any after speech analysis. They all immediately returned to regular programs.

Interesting note on ISIS and Boko Harum. iSIS is apparently working with BH so they can set up an African Caliphate.The Link

I guess BO won't consider Boko Harum islamic either.
I did notice Fox covered BO's remarks live yesterday.
it says a lot about one's character to hide from admitting an error was made.

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