SD I wholeheartedly accept your apology. I do believe it was mainly a misunderstanding.
You did ask about my feelings about Obama's exposure to Islam. I took Revolution in Iran, and Family, Politics, and Religion in the Modern Middle East while @ UT. This gave me some exposure to Islam. I also have a sister in law who was married in a mosque to an illegal Somali immigrant, and my father in law lives in Dubai. These are my main exposures to Islam. I do NOT believe that Obama being exposed to, or having a knowledge of Islam is a bad thing at all. I would have concerns about any personal Islamic beliefs that Obama could have, or any sympathies to extremist Islam regimes. (And yes I do have GRAVE concerns about the way the Bush family is so close to the Saudi royals as well). I think that exposure and knowledge of Islam in a broad sense is a good thing when it comes to foreign policy. I have already stated that I defended Obama against the lies being spread in that email. (I don't know how to referenece the email any other way, but I think most here have seen the email in question.)
My understanding is that Obama's Indonesian step father was Muslim and that Islam was practiced in the house when Obama lived in Indonesia. I have tried to get better information about this part of Obama's life than wikipedia, but that is the only source I have seen with much information from this part of his life. I think that it is legitimate to ask what influence that part of his life plays in Obama's decision making process today.
I will also say that I believe the questions about Obama and his religious beliefs are complicated by his association with Trinity UCC in Chicago. This is also the church that Oprah attends (at least that is my understanding). Oprah is about as non-Christian, new age spiritual, a public figure as I know about. From what I know about Trinity and Rev. Wright, I also question the theology of the 'Christian' church where Obama feels very much at home. (that is a paraphrase of how I heard Obama describe his coming into the Church).
I also watched Obama be unable to articulate a simple Christian faith in debates with Alan Keyes during Senatorial debates held in IL. Keyes pointed out that a Christian is to love God with the entirety of their being, and Obama stated it was 'part of what motivates me.' He also went on to state, "that is why I have my Bible, that is why I have my pastor." I don't even know what that means.
I believe these are legitimate questions about Obama. I do not believe that simple exposure to Islam is bad, but I do question the authenticity of his faith in general.