HornFans Smoker Invitational - all are invited!!

I have a function to be at in Round Rock at 1, but I might try to haul *** down there afterward if you have a place I can change out of my business clothes once I get there! How long will y'all be out there?
I'll have to toss meat on way early, but have offered folkz to come & hang around noonish (or ealier if they want to make a day of it & help out).

Foodz should be avail. in the neighborhood of 4p or thereaboutz, but no exact time table there.

I was thinking, since this is the day before Easter maybe (depending on the # of kidz showing up) we could do a little egg hunting or maybe even coloring to keep them amused if they want to.

Apologies for the "z" wordz; I just got done showing a relative the "I mfg. & sell internets" thread on Esther's...

40% Chance of the wet stuff (rain, not sauce or marinade) projected for Saturday.

Will keep an eye on the weather & not begin to get my freak out going on until Thursday @ the soonest.

which might turn into

Looks like the weather isn't going to cooperate. All the weather reports are saying around 55 degrees & 60% chance of rain.

Same plan of attack for time to arrive (as early as you want) & how long to hang out (until you want to leave), what to bring / not bring, etc., just pushed back by one week.

If someone can assist on this other added item - I was hoping to get someone to grab a bag or two of Hershey's Kisses & plastic eggs, then we'd hide them for the kids that might attend. I don't have any idea how many of the little ones that might actually show, though, so this may be effort for only 2 or 3 ankle biters.

Other than some folks personal concerns, the only conflict I see is Texas Baseball vs. the San Pirates & Women's Tennis vs. Okie Lite both playing in Austin that day.

I'm thinking attendance might get a kick in the shorts due to Easter commits that pulled away.

I'm sending this as both a PM & thread entry so all the bases are covered.


Rox / Mark

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