Hornfans.com Upgrades

Say Dion,

Why did you have to go and put our GPA in a big colored circle to the left of our name?

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Something I’m noticing on the upgrades…when I go to a forum it lands on the first page of the thread - the oldest postings, not the most recent. No big deal but did it do that before?
Just FYI ... I did what I could to retain the look and function of the previous site, but there were a few limitations imposed by new software — boring technical stuff but necessary to get current on security and features.

I appreciate the feedback because there are going to be a few buggy things that can be fixed, so I'm keeping a list and working through those as time permits. Thanks for your patience!
I like the upgrades/changes. You guys do a great job keeping the site in tip top shape! Thank you for all the hard work you do!
Strange but I’ve lost the emoji comment button. Simply not there. Is that something I’ve caused? Do I use it too much?
Looks fine now thanks. I was kidding about the overage. It just seemed a strange development.
Thanks for quick response.

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