HornFans.com Trivia Game

Make or break tomorrow. Mr.X looks to be 1 point behind me, but since the number of players tends to goof up after 100 he's probably ahead of me. I know there are other folks who can pass me with a good day (looking at you Texanne) but Mr.X and I have been 1 and 2 back and forth since this started.

Doesn't help that I've been sucking wind and scoring 7s and 8s lately. Good luck Mr. X- may the best man win.
You too tallgrant...I finally got back on track after like 5-6 days in a row of no points with some just ridiculous questions each day. I'm sure you're facing the same bank of questions I had to.
"Al of the above" Puhlease!

Well I ended well for the month...don't know if it's going to be enough, however, after tallgrant threw down the gauntlet yesterday and I responded with a whopping 7/10 in like 70 seconds.

And no, I'm not psychic...I just retain useless information better than most
I think that's as fair as can be- I know Mr.X, Ampoliros, myself and probably quite a few others have all gotten scores hosed up on various days by this. Gotta roll with it.

I'm gonna give my congratulations out to Mr.X- this thing is going to end up close, but I think he's done enough to get the win.

And if I pull it out, it's probably for the same reason he did so well- I retain information well.
****. The door was open to sneak back into the top ten and I blow a question about world flags after spending most of the horribly slow 81 seconds pondering it.

What's the fastest you think it can be done legally? I find anything under 25-30 seconds pretty damn hard to believe unless you got lucky and got the 10 shortest and easiest questions in the pool. If tallgrant or MrX haven't done it, I don't think it can be.
Hooray! but....

It hasn't updated the hall of fame yet- does it wait until we've had a full month under our belt? Or do we have to wait longer to see it?
I just wanted to say that tallgrant it my brother. I'm related to the man, the myth, the legend. Too bad he got all the brains and I got all the looks.
Tallgrant is my former roommate and good friend, and I'd just like to say that the only reason he won is because he used to keep a stack of "Uncle John's Bathroom Readers" in the bathroom. They contain all the knowledge you would ever need to know about anything.

Actually, he's really smart too. Congratulations to Tallgrant and all the little Grantamaniacs out there who are training, saying their prayers, and reading their bathroom readers.
I too know the fabled tallgrant. I was a groomsman at his wedding and saw him do the best spin ever at his brother's wedding. Tallgrant may know more about nothing than anyone else. But, there is something he can never win nor has ever won....that's right tallgrant, you know what game I'm talking about.
Congrats, tallgrant- very well played. I couldn't come through when it counted.

Oh well there's always this month
Seriously, is there a diferent trivia service we can use? It's obviously whoever runs that one can't police it to the point where someone from the same I.P can't do the quiz ad infinitum. I got screwed yesterday and Tallgrant's going to get screwed today.
sorry but why do 85% of the test takers know who the sweet valley high parents are?

9. Who are the Wakefield parents?
Your answer: Bob and Lynn

The correct answer was Ned and Alice

They were very important in the lives of the twins and they loved their parents very much.

85% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player cleopatrathe7. (play this quiz!) (report correction)

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