Hope we didn't miss on Shepard

since73's posts =

it's always the same old nonsense & blabber. Just ignore him and perhaps he'll go back to being just a viewing troll. Oh, that and it's 12:24PM and...
He doesn't have the grades nor the hygeine.

And yes, you embarassed yourself on that thread. Lawyers were calling you out left and right. "Make sure you blow if you get pulled over."

since, why don't you email Ketch? Or better yet, use some common sense. GG had more td passes than Shepard had completions, so given the direction our offense is going (you're so obsessed, you would know), who will be a better fit? Mack said he'd give Shep a shot, but was already talking to him about moving positions. Gotta read between the lines, if you're capable. I think Russell is. Want a link? Subscribe to orangebloods if you haven't already done so.
Did Shep not get an offer the very first day that Texas offers scholarships?
Didn't GG commit early w/out an offer yet wasn't counted as a verbal to Mack until weeks later & after junior day in which Shep attended with an offer as well?
If Mack wanted GG so bad, why did he wait to allow GG's commitment to be solid to UT?
I think GG is by far the better prospect but many of you guys are claiming intimate knowledge of conversations that may or may have not taken place w/ nothing to back up your claim.
You claim Shep wasn't offered at QB yet you have nothing to bring to the table that states otherwise.
Are you really saying the highest ranked QB to come out of Texas in quite some time was told by the flagship University of Texas that he had (0) zero opportunity to at least attempt to be a QB @ UT?!
I highly doubt that. Anyone have evidence to the contrary that Mack to the #4 overall player in the nation his "skills" would not have a chance to be displayed @ UT at the position he wanted to play & I'll wear a sig for a year that says anything you want.
I don't think I have as any more insight to recruiting at UT as any of you. Which is very little, obviously.
I can say w/out a shadow of a doubt I don't make up stories about conversations concerning recruitng as many on this thread has.
GG committed the first day he could, with an offer. And one would think he's spoken to Mack.

Again, if you want the truth, email Ketch. I don't have time to link crap from obloods and you have to pay anyway (and Indian scalps is not considered legal tender outside of Oklahoma).

Did you look up Shep's passing stats? Have you seen the offense we run post-VY?

Maybe Mack agrees with you and thinks GG is the better prospect?

What I would do if I were you, since you're so interested is email either the moderator at obloods or maybe even Crabtree? Mack said he would give Shep a shot, but he also told Russell that their are a limited number of reps and he may be able to help us elsewhere. Even Shep was befuddled. All you have to do is read Ketch's first update after his visit.

Anything else that comes from you, I will treat as wishful speculation. You want to believe that Shep shot us down because he loves lsu. I think the fact that the #2 qb in the country being here is a factor. I don't know where lsu's otehr qb recruited is rated, but unless he is Matt Barkley, he's rated below Gilbert.
Well we all know what happened with Scott.

When did Gilbert committ?

who would you consider a worthy source? James Hale? The convicted felon?
GG committed the thursday before UT's first official junior day.
Texas doesn't hand out offers before that time & never has under Mack. If you're an insider to OB, you can read the headlines of GG's committment.
"Gabbert wants Texas but does Texas want Gabbert?"
He committed that day but had no offer.
It's on OB, btw.

A worth source would be a neutral source that has no ties to the recruitment of Shep.
Crabtree or any of the national guys not tied to either LSU or Texas.
So he committed as soon as he got an offer? As soon as he could, right? He committed the day after Mack wrapped up the 08 class right?

That is the soonest a junior can commit to Texas, right? What was yoru argument here again?

And where have you been hearing the rumors from? Were you sitting in Mack's office/cleaning his bathroom? You name a source and let's see his specific quotes,. There are insiders at obloods who will tell you the truth. Since you apparently pay for access there, you would know, right?

And Crabtree is or used to be ou's version of Ketch. But ask him.
No, he committed to Texas without having an offer. I don't know why that's so hard for you to understand.
Thurday is before Sunday & Sunday was the day offers for UT went out to juniors.
And, no, kids can commit to anywhere they want any time they want. Hell, kids are committing to places in the 9th grade. What was your point here?
The source i& quote is from Ketch's site.
If you don't have access, well, that's too bad.
Maybe you could learn something from a guy who obviously follows Texas recruiting.
It's not a rumor GG committed to UT several days before he had an offer. Hell, you could probably even Google that info & it's free.
Many of those "insiders" on OB also said AD would commit to UT during the AA game.
Harris was changing his mind & going to de-commit, Calhoun would never pass highschool.
Not a good source of info unless you're looking for wrong info.
So what exactly is it that you want here? Whip out your sources guy?

How soon is soon regarding Gilbert? So he committed before he had an offer. Doesn't that show he's eager enough? I don't get your point. It's like talking to someone that's not right in the head. You're arguing for the sake of arguing.

Did stoops get Calhoun into school? Good for him.

I am done with you and this thread. You bring nothing of substance to this thread. You're like a broken record. You argue semantics for the sake of arguing. Garrett committed or announced as soon as he could. The day after signing day. I don't know how you commit without an offer really. You can pledge yourself to a school I guess, but to commit, both sides have to agree. Otherwise, I'm committing myself to Jessica Alba right now. Bottom line is Garrett was our first commit, and he made his intentions known asap. I'm sure some schools have commits from sophmores, but that's not how Mack operates. So for all intents and purposes, Garrett committed asap.

If you were a Horn frustrated with Mack for botching this, then I understand. But, you're just some jealous sooner with an axe to grind or a bone to pick.

See ya later.
mack mailed out offers to certain juniors the day of signing day (wednesday), which included gg...... you're wrong since73...... how can we take you seriously when you can't even spell garrett's name right? it's garrett gilbert, not gabbert.....
I said it earlier in this thread...73's talking through the back of his front. Once in a while, he comes on here and almost makes some sense, but mostly, he spends his time here being everything you'd expect from sooner posterboy. Responding to him gives him some misunderstood sense of purpose around here...it's better to treat him like aggy. Consider the source, and pay attention to the rational ones who post here. Now, I'm done with bagging on 73...he's already taken up too much of my time.
and like any sooner, he'll cheat to win. In this case, pull things out of his *** and state them as facts despite the fact that he's confusing Gilbert with an 08 qb from last year. But, hey he's resolute in his argument.

Disappears in the nick of time, just like in the Ced thread.

I've seen him talk trash about us on other boards, so his friendly sooner act isn't gonna get by me.
No, I just don't have time to educate you guys on Texas recruiting & the premium information that's out there for the people who pay for this type of information.
GG committed to UT before he had an offer. Ketch had a big write up on him w/ the headline of "Gilbert wants Texas but does Texas want Gilbert?". It was on his front page that week while Texas was holding their junior day later in the week on Sunday.
It's common knowledge but only if you follow Texas recruiting &/or have access to premium information.
From the looks of it, I am the only person who has the means to purchase this type of information & telling you about one of your prospects, your highest rated prospect, has shed light on many of you in the context of Texas recruiting.
I know more than you guys do. Shocking, but true.
Since73 is suggesting that GG manipulated Mack's QB recruiting. There is another explanation- Ketch doesn't know what he is talking about. Since73- Occam's Razor: which explanation is more likely?

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