Hipanic perpetrator


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It seems George Zimmerman has to be white in order for the DOJ to go after him for a hate crime. Has the liberal media created a new catagory of identifying suspects related to criminal activity. On voter registration cards Hispanic is listed. Will these liberal scum stop at nothing to achieve there goals. What a sad messed up country we have. I am sure Roger35 agrees he is white. Has anyone ever heard white Hispanic before?of course now the media and polititions just say white on black now. Where are the Hispanic voices?
I want to make sure I am following this. Are you saying somebody has to be brown to be hispanic? Or are you asking if a Hispanic person can have light to white skin and still be Hispanic?

I heard somebody over the weekend state that Zimmerman is not Hispanic because one of his parents is. Despite the fact he grew up more Hispanic than "white". I really wanted to chime in that Zimmerman was as much Hispanic if not more than Obama is black.

Why does Obama get to be black when Zimmerman can't be Hispanic? Skin hue?

I guess they are not "Hispanic" but people need to travel to Spain. Well, anywhere in South America other than the "Incas" of Peru. A trip to Guadalajara, D.F., Veracruz and Monterrey will take care of this argument if there is one. And omg there are some fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine very light skinned chicas in those cities in Mexico, btw. I mean pure D fine.
What somebody looks like and what language they speak don't always line up. A friend of Mexican ancestry works at Home Depot, brown skin, black hair, dark brown eyes, and speaks less Spanish than I do. He says his English-only communications really irritates the Spanish speaking contractors buying supplies.

I remember driving up on a construction site once where there was a crew of Latin Americans. Not encountering anyone willing to communicate in English I was at first relieved to see a red-haired, blue eyed guy at work. Alas, he spoke only Spanish, just like the rest of the crew.
Supposedly the DOJ has started a web site/email account so that people can send in tips about Zimmerman to help the DOJ build a hate crimes case against Zimmerman. They're hoping someone heard him tell a racial jokes or something.

This is truly pathetic, even for the personal-freedom crushing Obama admin.

The Link

Actually the use of Hispanic on forms and generally by the media is indicating ethnicity.
The confusion comes in IMO when the categories offered include Caucasian AND Hispanic/ Latino
forcing a white Hispanic to choose.

I also think we could move beyond having tochoose between race and ethnic groups with which we identify.

TO the OP I agree that it is strange there aren't more Hispanic groups and leaders speaking out for Zimmerman.
FWIW I get to see hundreds of race data forms each year at work. About half of the Hispanic population in the area also consider themselves white. White Hispanic is the correct term because hispanicity is independent of race. The form offers white - Hispanic as well as white - nonhispanic.

I still don't give the media a pass for using the term though. Every other time there has been an incident involving a Hispanic person (good or bad) there has been no mention of the word white.
these categories are so much bs. when i was at ut i heard from a friend who worked in financial aid that there was a lot more money available for african americans so i changed my application to reflect i was aa. I guess the german last name raised some eyebrow somewhere and i was called in and advised that i did not look aa. i told them i took a phys anthropology course at ut and they said we all started out in africa. i said my relatives appeared to have left a little earlier than some others but that my continent of origin was africa. they told me nice try and sent me on my way.


if zim had been black we would never heard of the worthless little dirty harry wannabe. I say clint eastwood and john wayne are responsible for tm's death. they have inculcated the idea that everybody is out to get you, everybody is a scumbag and sometimes you just have to kill the punks.

and i am i favor of letting the immigrants stay but imprisoning their bosses.
Well, I think if you look at our national pastime perhaps you might see a distinction between white hispanic and black hispanic. I think Eastern's point was within a context, hispanic is a culture. Is black a culture? i'll let you decide.
My point is civil rights leaders want him called white in order to further the cause of hate crimes and racial profiling. If Zimmerman was called just a Hispanic male then you would have one minority pitted against another. Doesn't quite have the zing that white on black does.
Since we're talking about what/who is white and what that means, I've got a question for anybody who might know.

About 15 years ago, I was in a race-oriented debate with a left-leaning but pretty reasonable guy. He asked me if I considered ethnic Jews to be white people. I really didn't know where he was going with the question, so I told him I had always considered them to be white. The guy freaked out and considered my answer extremely offensive. I asked the guy why that answer was offensive, and he said it should be obvious and would not dignify my question with an answer.

At the risk of sounding stupid, to this day, I still don't understand why my answer would offend anybody. If anyone knows or might even be able to speculate a theory on it, I'd really like to hear it.
I think the same way as you because many Jewish people in the US came from Europe they probably are "white" in some ways. However, Jews are Semitic like all the peoples we find in the ME like Arabs, Egyptians, Persians, Turks, etc. So technically they aren't white as that usually means European or even more specifically Northwest European.
Your assumption isn't offensive. That guy was trying to get himself worked up over your honest "mistake" because he feels superior in some way. That act was just to show you how enlightened he thinks he is. Either that or he is anti-Semitic and doesn't want Jewish people to be thought of in his same group.

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