Hillary losing her base?


25+ Posts
on CNN they were showing Obama won the woman vote in VA and MD ( did not see the DC numbers). Found that interesting. Doesnt Hillary usually carry those?
Her main problem is that she losing her edge with white women. That is the last group that is with her now, but they only voted for her over Obama by 10% in VA. She had a 25% advantage with this group on super tuesday. They were always her strongest constituency.
Once Obama was accepted by the black population, he was going to get a majority of their votes. What Clinton needed was to win the white votes by somewhat significant margins. That was actually possible as women are a significant majority (about 60%) of democratic primaries. All men, including white men started trending Obama's way, once Edwards was out. So she needed to win white women by significant margins and as a single subgroup, white women still forms the largest block of votes in democratic primary (35% in Virginia). Unfortunately for her she lost most of her edge in that category. She is going to get killed if she keeps splitting white women 53-47.

BTW, if you look at the exit poll, you will see that Obama actually won the white vote by 52-47, because of white independents, who voted for him 66-33.

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