Hillary is in serious trouble


25+ Posts
Yeah I know thats stating the obvious at this point but she is in REALLY serious trouble. Chuck Todd just broke down all the numbers on MSNBC. and according to his breakdown She needs to not only win Ohio and Texas - but get at least 60% of the vote in both states. Which seems very unlikely. Especially in Texas where Obama could end up with the most delegates and technically not win the % of vote. Obama may have as much as a 150 delegate lead going into Texas and Ohio according to their number crunching.
Hillary has just lost eight straight states, most by huge margins. She's just not winning, period. The DNC is not going to bail her out with Florida and Michigan either, and the superdelegates will not vote against a guy who is winning everywhere by large margins.
In fairness, she's lost eight straight, with two more that have trended towards Obama for some time. Obama may be going into Texas 10-0 since super tuesday.
I think the only thing she can hope for is a serious gaffe by Obama. The way he's been playing it, that doesn't seem likely.

I'm not a typical Limbaugh listener but his daily talking point today is that he believes she and Bill will take the party down with them this election cycle over this. It would seem to be their MO to do this, but does anyone think at the end of the day they really will...?
Yes, she's in trouble. But they said on NPR this morning as it stands Obama could win 60% of the vote from here on out and still fall short of the number needed.
I don't. I know Limbaugh and many others love to hate the Clintons and think they are pure evil, but they are also rational. Hillary and Bill both have a lot of political life left in them that will be gone if they make a desperate power grab at the convention. Besides, their supporters are not as dedicated as they are and if they start jumping ship or at least talking to her she'll relent and get behind Obama. The fact that she hasn't gone negative yet despite her predicament shows she is not willing to do anything to win.

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