Hey something more important than the trial

Morsi and the Brotherhood rejected the Military's ultimatum today and are apparently raising a "defense force". There should be some violence before it is all said and done.
Ultimatelydemocratic government will be better for the rank and file -- if the electorate is educated, passionate and participatory. Now making that happen is not easy in a country with low literacy levels and high levels of loyalty to religious zealots. Democratic government can work in a Muslim country. Without awesome oil resources like iran, Turks are on average much more prosperous than Iranians, not to mention freer and better educated.

i'm not trying to dinigrate my country, because in international relations we are certainly more benevolent than other superpowers, but ultimately we support foreign leaders who are good for us, not necessarily their own people. it's more complicated and uncertain to deal with democracies. Iran has a poor record on elections, etc, but it's a helluva a lot more Democratic than when our old pal the Shah ran things.

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