Herman's Electric Fence

It's very likely the metal in the electric fence would be stolen and sold for scrap. For the fence that isn't stolen, it just might be shorted out by a tumbleweed somewhere along the border and start a wildfire. Or aren't there any more tumbleweeds between the Gulf and Pacific?

For those unwilling to try to go over the fence, there's always this approach.
Remind me why we wouldn't want an electric fence on the border?

Is somebody letting their aggy cousin post now?

Wait, my aggy cousin wants to post, too.

How about a moat between the US and Mexico stocked with sharks equipped with lasers on their heads?
You know, I wouldn't mind the electric fence so much if people like the ones posting on this thread weren't so two faced and pretending to be Christians at the same time.

Yeah, that's pretty true. The views espoused by many self-proclaimed Chrstians are very, very far removed from the teachings of Jesus the Christ.
If there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud ( and there isn't) there is no need for the Republican to coordinate the passage of voter ID laws and the closure of DMV locations in close proximity to minority communities, other than to guard against a repeat of the record turnout in minorities that propelled BHO to the presidency.

Now, can we get back to Herman's plan to electrocute Mexicans?
Herman doesn't want to electrocute Mexicans. He wants to keep illegals out. Electric fences don't have to kill - just deter. I think he actually stated " a 9 foot wall, 9 volts, administered for 9 seconds." Who can argue with that? Nine volts won't kill anyone.
Screw the fence, lets get the military down there. A fence would be too easy to get around, and an electric one would be just too expensive.

The military would be a much better option. Any illegal invading from the south would be meet by the good ol US Army and Marines. Put our military to work and protect our southern boarder.
Ha, I use one for my horses. Electrify the sumb****, enough to shock the s*** out of anyone but not kill. And the troops coming home could build it.
How about we attack them with a band of skunks?

You know, an electrified fence is draconian; cruel and unusual. But what do you do when someone refuses to follow the law? Give in? Decriminalize? Spend even more money enforcing the law?

The problem is there is a theoretical limit to emigration into our country. Which Democrat is willing to unequivocally state that limit and what we should do to enforce it?

In my opinion, human nature is such that people will take what you give them; and they can be spoiled. They see the path of least resistance and will take it. While a long journey across Mexico is not easy for a dirt poor person without any assistance, if they believe they will be welcome in "El Norte" to live a life better than before then they will pay the price. And knowing that there is a very large political base that will enable their entry no matter what and even further, will use their struggle to attack Trump is what creates this incentive.

The Democrats have a major conflict of interest and their rabid approach to regaining power means anything goes. The elites on the Left don't like these people. That is my firm belief. The people they enable are not the demographic the Left envisions for America: Feminist, green, secular and the demand for full rights for gays and trans even if it means pushing gender confusion down upon our children. So without their support for immigration enforcement (which we all know they once cared about; it's all over YouTube) then you have what we have today; a stubborn ******* who will do something about it. I do not accept that Trump is at fault for the two children who died this week. I instead place it at the feet of the Democrats who are using this issue for their own benefit. I have no idea what happened with those two children. But it's clear there will be no blame from the Left placed upon the parents or maybe just the idea that a long journey such as many of them have embarked upon is dangerous to young children.

No. It's only Trump's fault. I don't accept that.
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