I'm guessing along the line: "Well, sweetie, guess your golden locks didn't help you beat a real man's team." or something like that. Looked like Hager the Horrible was responding with hands out front, egging on the oSu player like: "C'mon, tough guy, you want some of this, c'mon..." Then the snap, the QB took a couple more seconds to kneel, Hager exploded and went after his blocking assignment who had mouthed off to him before the snap.
I'm sure a WHOLE lot of crap goes on in pro sports, major program college sports, etc., that athletes have to learn to slough off, including using the "N" word, both white on black and black on black, all kinds of vulgarity, slurs that I can't even imagine.
I would hope that early on in training, WAY before physical conditioning, weight training, position skills, etc., that team specialists teach the team about this kind of thing, how to deal with it, what to do, what NOT to do, etc.
At the end of it all, this game was over, Hager was probably pissed at his own miscues in the game, angry for the loss, responded wrongly, beyond some shoving no blood shed, no ejections, Mullethead and the Hermanator talked on the field after the game, Mullethead explained he was just trying to go out there and direct his players to move away from Texas players, the Hermanator accepted that, they both seemed like, no big deal.