Herman's behavior....


1,000+ Posts
….started with mocking the Missouri QB last year....WHAT????!!!!!

….screaming at the refs and having to be restrained, then, storming the field and screaming at Gundy.....REALLY???
Gundy once again schools our coaches. This time he faked a blitz and Tom misread it.
I don’t think he knew until after the fact that the players were mocking Locke I think he was just having fun with his team. As far as last night I think he knew they got out coached and didn’t prepare well enough and they let the team down. He let his emotions get to him not saying it was okay but you can’t suspend kids for being late to practice and then do that kind of stuff either.
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I also like that he shows emotion. Watched some of the Houston/USF game yesterday. Charlie Strong was as stoic as ever even though he was losing by 20+. I don't miss the him, or the clueless look on his face.
I barely saw any of the game except the end, but what I think Herman was running into the field yelling was that Gundy had ALREADY run on the field and was giving the refs his strong opinion as the refs were flagging Hager. He was saying, I think, that Gundy had no right to be out there and was by golly going out there to join the group.

At least that’s what I thought.

So, not screaming AT Gundy, but about him. They amicably shook hands and hugged not 2 minutes later.
He was saying, I think, that Gundy had no right to be out there and was by golly going out there to join the group.

Yeah, also considering he had already gotten heated, justifiably so IMHO, with the refs earlier about their clustfuck call on the punt play ruse and OL movement by oSu resulting in a penalty against Texas.

I think he'd had enough of the Swarzenegger guy (by the way, a number of times when making the penalty call over the PA, he was so winded he had to stop, take a breath, and then continue on, maybe muscled up but in terrible aerobic shape) and crew blowing calls he wasn't going to let mullethead politic the officiating crew.

Regarding "whataboutism" w/r/t the suspensions and TH's anger burst, apples, oranges.
Yeah I'm ok with both.

I don't think he knew he was making fun of an opposing college kid.

And I think he felt like his guys were getting an unfair shake and Gundy went on to field first yelling at the refs.
I like Herman showing emotion and I like a coach that backs up their players . . . when their players deserve it. What Hager did when OSU was kneeling on it was embarrassing and showed poor sportsmanship. I'd love to see more tackling out of #44 and less running his mouth.

Britt >>> Bryce >>> Breckyn
Can we please take a step back here. Some on this board — including our friend in Seattle — have criticized the horns in the past for being too removed, too passive and not aggressive enough. I recall threads about Charlie strong being out of it (as he was last night) and our team not caring.

We now have a team that clearly cares and a coach who is clearly invested. That Hager didn’t act perfectly at the end. Big deal. He’s young. So maybe let’s applaud the enthusiasm, the investment etc. otherwise we just look like fans whose comments are 100% result biased. As for Herman he thought gundy was going after Hager. I hope our coach would go out there to stop that.
I need to see the post game presser but I am told TH did not hold back, and was visibly not pleased with our performance. If true, that suggest progress to me. He needs to call this team out — and the coaches, and himself — when we embarrass ourselves, which we did last night.
I like that he stands up for his players.
Can we please take a step back here. Some on this board — including our friend in Seattle — have criticized the horns in the past for being too removed, too passive and not aggressive enough. I recall threads about Charlie strong being out of it (as he was last night) and our team not caring.

We now have a team that clearly cares and a coach who is clearly invested. That Hager didn’t act perfectly at the end. Big deal. He’s young. So maybe let’s applaud the enthusiasm, the investment etc. otherwise we just look like fans whose comments are 100% result biased. As for Herman he thought gundy was going after Hager. I hope our coach would go out there to stop that.

This. I liked that he went off on the Ref during the Punt fiasco and that he went on the field to protect his players at the end of the game. Both coaches understood the heat of the moment and made amends. Even on the Hager play, not a cool move but can appreciate the passion. Team is fighting hard these days, its a nice change.
I need to see the post game presser but I am told TH did not hold back, and was visibly not pleased with our performance. If true, that suggest progress to me. He needs to call this team out — and the coaches, and himself — when we embarrass ourselves, which we did last night.
He did and frankly his demeanor and explanation of what happened at the end were very satisfying to me. As much as could be in a loss.
Losing your composure and throwing a tantrum is just smart coaching. Motivates the young scholar athletes.

As for 44, he needs to cut his hair and shut up. I suspect his dad bought 44’s brains on discount with the $ Buddy Ryan paid him for the cheap shot on the Cowboy kicker
Wish I knew what the verbal exchange was between Hagar and the receiver before the event. Might explain it. Not saying make it right or wrong but still might explain. Example if he’d said ‘you and your Longhorns suck’ can’t imagine Hager just saying “bless your heart”.
Wish I knew what the verbal exchange was between Hagar and the receiver before the event. Might explain it.

I'm guessing along the line: "Well, sweetie, guess your golden locks didn't help you beat a real man's team." or something like that. Looked like Hager the Horrible was responding with hands out front, egging on the oSu player like: "C'mon, tough guy, you want some of this, c'mon..." Then the snap, the QB took a couple more seconds to kneel, Hager exploded and went after his blocking assignment who had mouthed off to him before the snap.

I'm sure a WHOLE lot of crap goes on in pro sports, major program college sports, etc., that athletes have to learn to slough off, including using the "N" word, both white on black and black on black, all kinds of vulgarity, slurs that I can't even imagine.

I would hope that early on in training, WAY before physical conditioning, weight training, position skills, etc., that team specialists teach the team about this kind of thing, how to deal with it, what to do, what NOT to do, etc.

At the end of it all, this game was over, Hager was probably pissed at his own miscues in the game, angry for the loss, responded wrongly, beyond some shoving no blood shed, no ejections, Mullethead and the Hermanator talked on the field after the game, Mullethead explained he was just trying to go out there and direct his players to move away from Texas players, the Hermanator accepted that, they both seemed like, no big deal.
1 Hager's behavior looked the worst to me. But I agree that I don't know what that receiver was saying. Still, he's the only one I think was truly out of line during victory formation.
2 Gundy angrily went on to the field. Looks like he was trying to get his players back AND yell at the refs (merited a penalty). I'm fine with it.
3 Herman saw Gundy yelling at the refs and stuff going on and lost it. My opinion is he would have been fine if Gundy wasn't getting away with it.
I suppose coaches and players will never please everyone. I personally like more fire in coaches and players and I guarantee you the players appreciated herman’s antics, as silly as they may have been. If he did it all the time (like, eg, gundy or Pellini), that would not be cool. He’s usually pretty even keel though.
I'm guessing along the line: "Well, sweetie, guess your golden locks didn't help you beat a real man's team." or something like that. Looked like Hager the Horrible was responding with hands out front, egging on the oSu player like: "C'mon, tough guy, you want some of this, c'mon..." Then the snap, the QB took a couple more seconds to kneel, Hager exploded and went after his blocking assignment who had mouthed off to him before the snap.

I'm sure a WHOLE lot of crap goes on in pro sports, major program college sports, etc., that athletes have to learn to slough off, including using the "N" word, both white on black and black on black, all kinds of vulgarity, slurs that I can't even imagine.

I would hope that early on in training, WAY before physical conditioning, weight training, position skills, etc., that team specialists teach the team about this kind of thing, how to deal with it, what to do, what NOT to do, etc.

At the end of it all, this game was over, Hager was probably pissed at his own miscues in the game, angry for the loss, responded wrongly, beyond some shoving no blood shed, no ejections, Mullethead and the Hermanator talked on the field after the game, Mullethead explained he was just trying to go out there and direct his players to move away from Texas players, the Hermanator accepted that, they both seemed like, no big deal.

Hager plays with pure emotion and his motor never stops. I was once a HS CB 31-33 yrs ago that played on pure emotion. Emotional players can have what makes them good get used against them. See, Brit Hager, James Brown, Bryant Westbrook, LB named Watler in the early 90’s all emotional players. A lot more could be named and many of them got flagged or had altercations. I had my share that’s for sure. Hager is a team leader and I’m glad he’s on our side. Heck yea Coach defended him. In fact, that may be what I like about TH. He is not afraid to show emotion/ passion for his team, players.
where do you come off saying something like that....??? what is it about fans that if you criticize our play/coaching during a game, either lost or won, you just need to go away.....really???
You always have the choice to follow the team or not, to be bothered by performance and/or results or not, and to use any forum (or no forum) to express whatever feelings the team engenders within you.

I am simply reminding you of your many options.
No problem with Herman's being on the field and even being animated.

could have done without the string of F Bombs. That was pitiful. Are we nothing more than a sandlot squad?
My take was he was pissed over the BS calls that were going on all game. When Gundy ran out on the field, which he is not allowed to do I don't care what is intentions are, and his own guy being flagged but not Gundy, I believe he was bent and figured, game is over for us, I'm gonna get my shots in at this crew of refs. They had it coming IMO.