Here we go. Bombs Away.

Boris will love this one --

"Is Russia bluffing with a weak hand in Syria?"

" ..... Russia is, in reality, a weak state and has absolutely no leverage over even its putative allies, much less its adversaries. Therefore, the primary thrust of its Syria campaign has been a media circus designed to create the impression of Great Power manoeuvres.

In both the diplomatic and military sphere, Russia has contrived a number of stand-alone performances, most recently its campaign against and declaration of victory over Daesh in the ERV. From the “Syrian People’s Congress” farce in Sochi to the concert in the Palmyra amphitheatre after a short-lived and dubious victory, headlines around the world seem to agree that Russia is calling the shots in Syria and therefore Moscow has to be dealt with in order to get anything done in the Levant.

Nothing could be further from the truth...."
I’ll play.

Suppose the writer’s assessment that Russia is vulnerable in Syria is true. Suppose the US hits strong enough to inflict major damage on the Syrian infrastructure and population, a greater war bogs the US down in Syria indefinitely. Would that make you proud or would that make America Great Again? What is accomplished other than a renewed refugee stream out of the country and another Libya type of terror base to deal with. Anybody that applauds this article is an embicile.
Russia is a mob-owned, seedy truck stop/gas station writ large, holding a permanent spot on the UN Security Council.

And the idea that anybody other than Assad gassed Assad’s opposition, with gas like we know Assad has, on three separate occasions is ridiculous.
Russia is a mob-owned, seedy truck stop/gas station writ large, holding a permanent spot on the UN Security Council.

And the idea that anybody other than Assad gassed Assad’s opposition, with gas like we know Assad has, on three separate occasions is ridiculous.
Is this really you are has John McCain paid the board a visit?
TaylorT, it is also ridiculous to think that Assad gassed his own citizens after he has all but defeated the opposition, just after a hawkish Bolton came on board. It is also ridiculous to think that the US has fought on the side of ISIS and Al-Qaeda for years now in Syria. It is also ridiculous to thin that Assad is gassing his people when the opinion of the people is that they prefer Assad's regime to that of the rebels.

All those refugees from Syria migrating to Europe are coming from rebel held areas not Assad controlled areas. I'm not even saying Assad is a good guy or leader, but the US media is not worth trusting on this issue. I assure you.
TaylorT, it is also ridiculous to think that Assad gassed his own citizens after he has all but defeated the opposition, just after a hawkish Bolton came on board. It is also ridiculous to think that the US has fought on the side of ISIS and Al-Qaeda for years now in Syria. It is also ridiculous to thin that Assad is gassing his people when the opinion of the people is that they prefer Assad's regime to that of the rebels.

All those refugees from Syria migrating to Europe are coming from rebel held areas not Assad controlled areas. I'm not even saying Assad is a good guy or leader, but the US media is not worth trusting on this issue. I assure you.

I dont know if this will make you feel any better but SOD Mattis said today he thinks there was a chemical attack, but cant yet prove it.

I believe there was a chemical attack and we are looking for the actual evidence,” Mattis told lawmakers, adding he wanted inspectors in Syria “probably within the week.”

“As each day goes by — as you know, it is a non-persistent gas — so it becomes more and more difficult to confirm it.”
I’ll play. Suppose the writer’s assessment that Russia is vulnerable in Syria is true. Suppose the US hits strong enough to inflict major damage on the Syrian infrastructure and population, a greater war bogs the US down in Syria indefinitely. Would that make you proud or would that make America Great Again? What is accomplished other than a renewed refugee stream out of the country and another Libya type of terror base to deal with. Anybody that applauds this article is an embicile.

No, I would hope we learned our lesson on regime change in the Middle East. And I do not expect Trump to agree to destroy the infrastructure in Syria (which we could do in 1/2 day) as was done in Iraq, so I think you ask a bad question. My best guess is that we will attempt to target CW specific sites (manufacturing/storage) and probably their air force.
TaylorT, it is also ridiculous to think that Assad gassed his own citizens after he has all but defeated the opposition, just after a hawkish Bolton came on board. It is also ridiculous to think that the US has fought on the side of ISIS and Al-Qaeda for years now in Syria. It is also ridiculous to thin that Assad is gassing his people when the opinion of the people is that they prefer Assad's regime to that of the rebels.

All those refugees from Syria migrating to Europe are coming from rebel held areas not Assad controlled areas. I'm not even saying Assad is a good guy or leader, but the US media is not worth trusting on this issue. I assure you.
There is too much crazy on this website. I’m out.
Probably won't know much until the morning. Sounds similar to last year. Russia stood down, the targets were limited, Syrian (not Russian) air defense was activated, and probably some but not all missiles got through.
The operation, which started at 9 p.m., was "specifically associated" with chemical research facilities and chemical storage sites, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joe Dunford said Friday.

Three main chemical sites were targeted, as well as one command center, according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The operations are now complete. Continued barrages will not take place, unless Assad uses chemical weapons again, Pentagon chief Jim Mattis said.

These targets were made with the goal of minimizing any impact on Russian forces, according to JCS.

The deconfliction line with Russia was "active" this week, and the US followed normal use of deconfliction lines with Russia, as normal for clearing the airspace, JCS said.​
"God bless you, God bless you," a man can be heard saying, shortly after the interceptor seemed to collide with a missile, making a large boom sound.

"F*ck those American ********," the man from the video says.

The Syrian Army reports shooting down 20 US, UK and French missiles. When asked about the missiles, the Pentagon during a briefing that it could not comment on the reports.

On Friday night, Trump said that strike operations were underway in response to an alleged attack in Douma, which Damascus and Moscow maintain was a false flag. Analysts are puzzled by the logic of Trump's decision to stand up against "Gas Animal Assad" by raining explosives on Syria and killing Syrians.

Damascus, Homs, a research facility in Barzeh, and an IRGC base in Qasioun Mountain have reportedly been targeted during the military operations.

...My best guess is that we will attempt to target CW specific sites (manufacturing/storage) and probably their air force.

Probably won't know much until the morning. Sounds similar to last year. Russia stood down, the targets were limited, Syrian (not Russian) air defense was activated, and probably some but not all missiles got through.

Seems like the poster above you got it mostly correct
Seems like the poster above you got it mostly correct
Yeah. Trump saves face by carrying through. There is no way of proving whether the targets were research facilities involved in manufacturing chemical weapons or aspirin for that matter. I suspect this is a nothing burger. And that's a good thing.
Probably won't know much until the morning. Sounds similar to last year. Russia stood down, the targets were limited, Syrian (not Russian) air defense was activated, and probably some but not all missiles got through.
The operation, which started at 9 p.m., was "specifically associated" with chemical research facilities and chemical storage sites, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joe Dunford said Friday.

Three main chemical sites were targeted, as well as one command center, according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The operations are now complete. Continued barrages will not take place, unless Assad uses chemical weapons again, Pentagon chief Jim Mattis said.

These targets were made with the goal of minimizing any impact on Russian forces, according to JCS.

The deconfliction line with Russia was "active" this week, and the US followed normal use of deconfliction lines with Russia, as normal for clearing the airspace, JCS said.​
"God bless you, God bless you," a man can be heard saying, shortly after the interceptor seemed to collide with a missile, making a large boom sound.

"F*ck those American ********," the man from the video says.

The Syrian Army reports shooting down 20 US, UK and French missiles. When asked about the missiles, the Pentagon during a briefing that it could not comment on the reports.

On Friday night, Trump said that strike operations were underway in response to an alleged attack in Douma, which Damascus and Moscow maintain was a false flag. Analysts are puzzled by the logic of Trump's decision to stand up against "Gas Animal Assad" by raining explosives on Syria and killing Syrians.

Damascus, Homs, a research facility in Barzeh, and an IRGC base in Qasioun Mountain have reportedly been targeted during the military operations.

I guess the Rooskies were all bark and no bite, unless the USS Cook is currently under attack. Hopefully those fools received the message loud and clear.
If Russia were a person I'd say they were an amazing human being; formidable and sophisticated but full of larceny with one redeeming quality; they value their own existence and for that they can be reasoned with. That is the difference between them and fatalistic Muslim extremists.
I guess the Rooskies were all bark and no bite, unless the USS Cook is currently under attack. Hopefully those fools received the message loud and clear.
My recollection of Trump’s bellicose tweet was that Russian assets would be targeted. Mattis states the strikes were limited and no Russian assets were targeted. Looks like Trump is all bark and no bite, but then everybody knows that.
If Russia were a person I'd say they were an amazing human being; formidable and sophisticated but full of larceny with one redeeming quality; they value their own existence and for that they can be reasoned with. That is the difference between them and fatalistic Muslim extremists.
You are very kind. I would say they are a despicable thug, riddled with a cancer that chokes blood flow to vital organs and prevents them from maximizing their health and productive potential.
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My recollection of Trump’s bellicose tweet was that Russian assets would be targeted. Mattis states the strikes were limited and no Russian assets were targeted. Looks like Trump is all bark and no bite, but then everybody knows that.
Your recollection is wrong.
You are very kind. I would say they are a despicable thug, riddled with a cancer choking blood flow to vital organs that prevent them from maximizing their health and productive potential.

I'm also remembering their amazing athletes and artistic achievements.
Here is a good article from Oct 2015 that explains how the US got involved Syria in the first place. It does this by piecing together hacked State Dept cables into a decent narrative

I guess the Obama people dont like reading this type of account, but the objective folks might enjoy it

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Yeah. Trump saves face by carrying through. There is no way of proving whether the targets were research facilities involved in manufacturing chemical weapons or aspirin for that matter. I suspect this is a nothing burger. And that's a good thing.

My understanding is that the Israelis aided the CW site targeting. They've been studying what the Syrians have been doing up close for decades.

Further, you were predicting a full-scale destruction of all Syrian infrastructure.
-- Are you ready to admit this prediction was wrong?
-- If so, how do you account for that?
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